So Since it is the start of a new school year, I want to start fresh. Well sort of anyway. So To understand the question, you need to know that one of my best friends of 2 years was stolen from me by the popular girl in my grade, along with 3 other friends. Before they were offically "stolen" we would all hang out the popular girl (and her group) and my group. The popular girl would ignore me when we all hung out. I don't know why, I'm not a nerd or geek, I have never done anything mean to her, she just pretended as if I wasn't there! So the year went on, slowly, even my friends would leave me out, 3 of my friends and my best friends other best friend were all in the popular girl's class, so I assume at some point in time they told everyone to stop hanging out with me. I know that it had to have been that either that or they noticed that the popular girl didn't like me. I didn't change or anything so yeah.
Anyway, my question is I want to get past that and get my friends back. I really just miss my old best friend! I can tell she misses me too, but one major thing is my best friend's twin is one of the 3 friends I lost, so she couldn't ditch her, i understand that. What should I do? Oh also the popualr girl still dosen't like me. And I am also friends with some of the other people in the orignal popular group, I don't know i that helps... :(