
I want to get rid of my land line phone and just have a cell phone service i will need 3 phones name a com.?

by  |  earlier

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give me some companies that i could use for this




  1. Unlike landline, with cellphones, every phone has it's own number.  That's just how they work.

    The other reason to keep a landline is that cellphones (and VoIP phones when power goes out) won't work if there's a major storm that damages the cellular towers.  We had a severe thunderstorm with a tornado recently and were without cellphone service for about 8 hours after the storm finished.

    Cellphone companies:

    Verizon Wireless




    etc...just walk around your local shopping mall and look for the kiosks...

  2. Just to comment on the phone outages during a storm, cell phones are generally MORE reliable during a storm.  There are a LOT of phone lines hanging in the air that are more susceptible to damage from winds, ice, etc than most cell towers.

    I've actually never experienced a weather related outage, nor has anyone else I know, on my cell phone, yet my "land line" thats supposed to be super reliable seems to go down about every two years for a couple days.

    The other thing is repair time, a land line phone company isn't going to give a lot of priority to one single customer, but a cell phone company knows 100's of customers depend on a single tower, an outage will get addressed much quicker.

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