
I want to get serious about playing giuitar but for some reason i can only practice for 2 hours a day....?

by Guest59372  |  earlier

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because i get tired of doing things for too long. What should i do to get me playing longer?




  1. Find a friend / some friends who play guitar and have a jam session! Its the best and most enjoyable way to improve your skills...also you might learn something from the other people!! Also its a social thing, so its easier to do it for longer!

  2. I wish that you would have said how long you've been playing ! If your a beginner two hours it too long. When you first start guitar you shouldn't play more then twenty minutes a day, and work your way up to an hour. It takes months to obtain the callouses required to be able to play without pain ! After about a year break up your time studying, spend time in the morning and then again in the evening. You have to get very strong fingers and hands before you can play for hours a day without fatigue, especially if your doing barre chords. I know I spend many a time in the hand Dr's office because of over doing ! I've been playing for over thirty five years now so I can now play for hours a day without problems, but you have to work up to this. Good luck to you.

    Don't only play songs, play scales, this will help strengthen your fingers and hands. Another thing make sure that your playing correctly, your fingers should be perpendicular to the strings and your thumb should be in the middle of the back of the neck of the guitar, incorrect playing can cause fatigue also !

  3. Spend two hours practicing and two hours playing. Keep your guitar on a stand or wall hanger in reach of your favorite chair or couch so you can just grab the guitar. Just run scales if nothing else or riffs. just to keep after it.

  4. You needn't. Two hours is just enough.

  5. extend ur time.

  6. split your practice into shorter but more frequent sessions

  7.   Pick  songs  that  you  like  to   play  and  practice ,that  should  be  more  than  enough  time  for  practice .  

  8. 2 hours is good. but to widen what your doing out. try to learn songs on the radio as they are played. when bored, change station and learn more... if you decided to start learning scales you will need to do the same stuff over and over to get it better

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