
I want to get started in Local Politics. What do I do first?

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I want to start at a low level in my community to try and get things changed, back to when i was a child growing up in that community, what are my first steps to even get my feet wet and start this movement....




  1. earn your stripes by exposing the crookedness of an existing politician and or or waste of tax payer money.....or lead a tax rebellion.  

    You will be a beloved for it and be a shoe in.

  2. First go to your county board of elections chairman (depending on party affiliation) and find out what you have to. Also think about it very hard on what party you decide to run in. Some areas in this country are very very partisan, and it's going to matter what your party affiliation is rather than what you stand for. It's like that where I live....upstate NY.

  3. Good for you!

    I would start attending town council meetings.  Read through the various documents that dictate how your town is run (bylaws, madates, etc).

  4. City council , school board, soil and water board are good places to start.. once you figure out all of the terminology and funding schemes you can go for more advanced offices.

  5. Go to your doctor and have your conscience removed.

  6. Start working on someone's campaign who you admire and work up from there.

  7. 1. register to vote.

    2. offer your services at the local Party headquarters.

  8. Start going to local meetings. School board meetings, city/town council meetings, etc.

    If you're affiliated with a party already, then you can also look at joining your local party chapters. These are the people who can help your campaign.

    It might also be helpful to join some community groups, like the Lions Club or the Rotary Club, etc. This is where many of your local community leaders and business people are. Those are the people you will want supporting you at the local level.

    You could also try to talk to some of the people already in local politics - they're your neighbors, after all, and would perhaps be willing to spend some time with you.

    Have at it, and have fun. Politics, even at the local level, is a full-contact sport. Be a happy warrior and smile at adversity, relish the debate, and treat everybody with respect and courtesy. Good luck!

  9. I work for a US Senator--but it all starts the same way...

    I guess the only thing I would add to the previous posts would be to go to your county website, and see what positions are open on boards ( ie liquor board, transportation).

    These positions are voluntary (you are not elected) and here they usually have 2-3 yr commitments, but it is a good start, and will allow you to network, maybe meet a mentor--

    Definitely go to city/county council meetings

    I plan on running for county commissioner in a couple more years--I have 2 mentors,  former county commissioner, 1 city councilman--their connections and experience/knowledge open up a lot of doors

  10. See where the need is and try to find an ongoing campaign that you can get involved with.  Check local community bulletin boards and perhaps some local churches.

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