
I want to get started in SEO where do I start. Can anyone point me in the right direction.?

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I'm currently a marketing major in college. I'm want to get started in Internet marketing, SEO, and SEM. I've been reading everything I can of those subjects, plus google analytic.




  1. Hi,

    I've been doing Internet Marketing for 2 years now and I've had success with my SEO efforts.

    I strongly attribute it to a few areas of discipline -

    1. Article Marketing

    2. Answering questions on Yahoo

    3. Backlinks from good websites and forums

    4. Building quality content

    5. Meta Tags

    All these can be broken down to Online Optimization and Offline Optimization.

    I have found a few products teaching these techniques very effectively and highly recommend you check them out.

  2. First, start with the basics. I mean the very basics of SEO. If you have been reading and learning so far, then great.

    If you go to this website and sign up for the classes this will get you started. They are free. They are very good classes and will get you up to speed.

    Here is another assignment. Go here and read this document As a matter of fact seomoz is great to just read in general.

    Here is another great site to get started on as well

    This should be enough to get you started. Like I said start with the basics and continue from there. Do not listen to people who have quick schemes. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this, I don't want to sound condescending but MOST of the people you run into on Yahoo Answers really have no clue.

    Good Luck and most of all have fun!

  3. I like  

    They have SEO blogs, columns, articles, job boards and lots more

  4. Attend some SEO conferences.

    If you need to learn about Search Engine Optimization. There are a number of factors that influence search engine ranking. These articles will get you started:

    Organic SEO -

    Search Engine Tips -

    How to Influence Search Engine Ranking -

    SEO Guide -

    Spider Food -

    Free Web Marketing Tips -

  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) now-a-days covers quite a range of items that your website will need.

    First of all there is no single item that will do the trick. Its a combination of of various pieces to the puzzle. Part of it lies within your website and the other part you can call an "outreach" program by getting your links onto other websites (e.g. blogs, social bookmarks, forums, press releases, etc)

    Outside of that you also are missing a DocType in your HTML code. Take a look here:

    While you're at the W3C take a look at your validation errors too:

    We have an article that we wrote you can read here:

    Also, touch base with Webmaster forums for more information like the following three:

    Also, here is another good resource:

    One last thing.  You will need to get into the process of generator a sitemap of your website regularly as a sitemap.xml file.  You can read more about this at created by Google, Yahoo and MSN and you will need a sitemap generator at  You can then submit your sitemaps to the search engines in their respective areas.

    Learn about Link Popularity, Google Page Rank, Alexa Traffic Rank, Keyword Density

    Hope this helps

  6. join good SEO forum , google have blogs on google adsense , adwords and help tips . read them throughly and read google guidliness..

    Google  groups also helpfull to you .. Keep update your self with mattcutt blog  ..



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