
I want to get the Blackberry Pearl 8210 with wifi and gps, do I need to be on a data plan?

by  |  earlier

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I am on the Rogers network and I am currently using some c**p phone that I need to replace. The BB 8210 looks like a good buy. It is sleek and ofders wifi and gps. However, I am just on a regular plan, I wouldn't want to pay for a data plan as I am a student. The phone is unlocked but I was wondering if I will still be able to access everything since it has wifi? So, is this the phone for me or do I have to keep looking?




  1. Without the data plan, you will be unable to receive email, use Blackberry messenger, or Blackberry Browser.

    Only programs that were designed to work with Wifi will work without the data plan. Opera mini is one. The GPS will work but you need a program which uses data to display maps.

    Try it and see if it meets your needs without the data plan.

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