
I want to geta tattoo that says "dont fear change,embrace it" in gaelic. can someone help translate it for me?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get the phrase "dont fear change, embrace it" tattooed onto my wrists in gaelic, but all the translators i have used havent really helped. If anyone out there knows how to translate it, can you please help me out?




  1. the only one that i would go with is the translation directly above this answer..its the most accurate.

    the one from "kez" isnt correct!! so dont use that on a tattoo!

  2. Ná bíodh eagla ort roimh athrú = Dont fear change

    the last part is a bit more dificult because there no verb "to embrace " in Irish.

    You could say "accept it" = glac leis

  3. "Na cothaigh faitíos roimh athruaithe, cumish iad."

    Translation: Don't have fear about changes, embrace them.

  4. Just remember that once you have a tattoo you stand out and can never rob a bank or commit any crimes without being easily identified later. lol

      Also not sure if I would trust what you see on here without lots of double checking.  Good Luck!

  5. I think it is

    na faitíos a bheith ort athrú, bain sult as.

    which means 'do not have fear for change, enjoy it'. it is the closest i could come up with, because 'embrace' is tranlated as a hug, and i figured you can't really hug change? but my irish is not very good. I will try to get hold of one of my irish teachers back home to confirm that for you :)

    good luck!

  6. First get your tattoo in henna...........have the pic drawn for if you really enjoy and want that tattoo......then start the process of the real tattoo........Remember the real thing is for life..........

    Below is a link.  This is my friends ex brother in law.........he does great work.........if you have questions give him a call or email him.......they will probably be able to help you out....his site also as tats that he has done.

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