
I want to give advise to people how would i go go about it?

by  |  earlier

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i want to give people advice on there problems but i don't know how i would do that can some one help me get started and how i would let people know they could come to me for advise on there problems.




  1. People usually go to experts in particular fields for advice; for example, they will go to a psychologist or psychiatrist to help them deal with personal problems.  I would suggest you consider the education required for these positions and decide if it is for you.  Your other option is something rather new: it's called a Life Coach.  No special education is required, and you basically serve as a coach to help people move along in their lives.  They seek your counsel and your advice.  You could try an ad in your local paper, perhaps something like this:  Life got you down?  Consider hiring a Life Coach 123-4567.  Good luck to you.

  2. Well, here on Yahoo Answers, of course!  It's got a whole array of categories, just pick which one or ones you are most capable of answering and go for it.  You can look at the top of the page, click on ask, answer or discover.  You will see the categories listed and various questins, answers and questions that need voting on.  There's more, it's so much fun and you can make friends too!  Go to help in the top right-hand corner for overview and other questions you may have.

    Have fun.  You'll luv it.  Good times.  But be sure to read info on the Cmmunity Guidelines, becasuse you can be placed in biolatin for a question, answer or other situation and if you get too many, your account can run the risk of being closed down, contacts and all!  Just don't ask anything too outrageous or that culd hurt someone's feelings.  And, watch out because there are what they call trolls (I guess they are people, but some are computer generated and look for certain info in what you have written) who just may not like you and put you up for a violation and you'll have yo fight it.  No fun.  That's really the only downfall.  h, and they can take away your points if they find you in violation.  Just fight it if you don't think it's right. You'll get that info on how to fight it as well.

    You'll be fine.  Most folks are cool on here.  I'm sure you are, too, at least I'm hoping.  And remember, when you ask a question, you have a certain amount of time to vote on a best answer.  Don't forget or else the Answers Community will vote for you and that's less points for you.

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