
I want to give an Excellent gift to my would be for her birthday. Tell me guys which one i can give?

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Gift to my Would be




  1. I've a cool idea for you- if you have a bunch of digital pictures of you guys together. Grab those dating pictures, and get a customized musical DVD show made at - Gift her the DVD on her birthday, not only will she love it, the emotions are bound to bring tears to her eyes!

    I have seen one of these snapshows at a wedding I recently attended, and its really beautiful. They do an extremely good job of synchronizing the music, creating a storyline and basically making those still pictures come alive on the screen. And congratulations for finding your Miss Right!

  2. Did u mean 2 provide a choice? Your question appears 2 b cut off. If u r asking an open-ended question, u need 2 provide a bit more detail (i.e., how old this person is, how long uve been 2gether, what she likes, etc.).

  3. Get a star named after her. Works a treat. Google it.

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