
I want to give my doctor my leftover Oxycontin, what will he think?

by Guest55708  |  earlier

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I don't like the idea of taking Oxycontin, so I plan to give my doctor my leftover pills and the RX he wrote me for them. What will he think if I do this?

Disclaimer: My question isn't what alternatives are there to oxycontin, my question is specifically "What will my doctor think."




  1. He'll probably discuss with you why you don't want to take them, and discuss alternatives. If you aren't going to take them, then you SHOULD give them to a doctor or pharmacist for proper disposal. Throwing them out is a big no no.

  2. Great, just what we need, another doctor hooked on prescription meds.

  3. Not really sure. If you explain to him why you don't want to take them, I think he would just flush em and write you an RX for something else. I would call and tell him you didn't want to take them first though

    hope that helped

  4. Who knows? What did you have them for in the first place? Keep them in case you need them again and just don't take them! Either that or throw them away, don't give them back.

  5. I don't think they can legally take pills back?  I would just toss them if you do not want them and let him know that you don't want anymore.

  6. He/she will probably first want to know how you want to handle the pain for which the medication was initally prescribed. This is the first and most important issue. Oxycontin as you know is not prescribed in a cavalier manner. If you are pain free, then great. I don't quite understand how you have the original prescription, since it sounds to me as though you have filled it at least once.

    Your doctor will probably thank you, and ask the office nurse or a tech to flush them down the toilet (probably will have one person serve as a witness that they were indeed flushed.)

  7. You're actually supposed to return unused meds in a lot of places since it can be dangerous to have random pills floating around so he would probably think its perfectly normal.  You could take them to the pharmacy for disposal - that might be easier since they tend to be open later and you don't need an appointment for the pharmacist, but if you want different meds it wouldn't hurt to go to the doc.

  8. I agree, I'm not sure if it's legal for him to take them back. I would just toss the remaining pills and explain your reasoning--remember, you are the patient and if he doesn't respect you in our decision, maybe it's time to find a new doctor.

  9. If I were your doctor and you came back in with the pills just because you don't like the IDEA of taking Oxycontin, I'd think you were influenced by the anti-drug media, and I would assume you really weren't in pain.

  10. It probably won't be a big deal, just explain it to him.  

  11. What your doctor will think will depend what you say to him/her when you return the prescription and voice your reasons for doing so.

  12. You might as well flush them because they cannot be re prescribed. Nothing that has left the pharmacy can be handed out again they are not pure.

  13. s***w that, that stuff sells like gold, why would you give it back to your doctor... spread the wealth, and make some friends happy  

  14. He can't legally take those pills back.  I'm sure he'll be proud that you are the type of patient who is honest about being uncomfortable with certain Rx -as long as he understands WHY.  So why are you uncomfortable taking these?  Tell him and explain to him what's going on and maybe he can give you advise on what to do.  As far as the pills, you could just get rid of them any old way -throw them away, flush them -whatever.  I'm sure you know that people on the streets pay big money for something that addictive...

  15. He will probably be just fine with that. Just because the prescribe you something doesn't mean you have to take it.  

    Also that is a great way for you to dispose of the pills then your not putting them into our environment (flushing) and your not leaving them around to be taken by someone else.  

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