
I want to give my rights up to a child that I have. ?

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We both feel its better for the child and we both want the child support to be dropped? How can we do that? The state says she has to be married




  1. WOW, Why won't my daughters father do this....

  2. You can go to the superior court and most have a self service center and ask for the necessary paperwork to terminate parental rights, you can even google doit yourself kits for termination of parental rights.  I commend you on having done what is right in supporting the child, not many men do...  also if you have no intentions of being a part of the childs life and you want the kid to have a dad then you are doing what is right since you said the mothers bf is like dad to the kid.  Good luck and good for you.  

  3. I don't know what state you live in but i never heard you had to be married for the other parent to give up their rights.  It doesn't make sense.  The first thing you could do would be to go to court and drop the child support order.  While there you can talk to a lawyer or the judge and ask how to legally give up your rights.  

  4. Actually, there are states that will not allow a father to relinquish his rights--and his responsibilities--without a step-parent being there to adopt them.

    If that's the case, you'll probably need to find a lawyer.

  5. How can you create a child and then just walk away from him/her?  Please tell me; I want to know.  I can't fathom it.  

  6. I am not gonna pass judgment onto you but try and help you..My son's father has the same theory. (only his motivation is $30,000 in back child support) from what we were told is you go to family law in your court house. In my state of CA we have a pro per clinic that can help you file and do the necessary paperwork. There should be an option to relinquish your rights and then it would get forwarded to the DA for your local child support. Good luck

    also I am a single parent therefore the married issue is not a factor in my state.

    also if this doesn't help check with your child support agency to see how you can go about your situation.

  7. You can only give up your rights to the child if a judge sees that there is another parent to replace you.  If there is no other parent, they usually will not allow that.  

    As for child support she doesn't have to take it.  She can easily go to the child support office and request the case be dropped.  Of course she has to be the one to request it, and they will usually do it without issue.  

    You could always sign a notarized agreement with her relinquishing your rights.  However it won't be upheld in court unless a judge agrees with the document.  

  8. You want to cut an innocent child out of your life because you don't feel like coughing up child support anymore?

    That's really sad (and pathetic).  But if that is your cavalier attitude toward your own flesh and blood, perhaps the child really is better off without you in her life.

    Call an attorney.

  9. She has to be married so that her husband can adopt the child. The state no longer allows children to not have both parents to support them financially. It doesn't matter if you both want it, the state doesn't want to support this child either.  

  10. Check with a lawyer.  

    Then, check with your heart.  You might regret this someday and much sooner than you think.  Even if it is not regret, you will someday have to deal with the fact there is a human being out there that you created.  

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