
I want to give up on guitar! Can you PLEASE HELP ME!!?

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I've tried online lessons, books, and a teacher but guitar just seems like a different language to me. One I don't get. There is so much theory and structure involved and nothing seems to be able to teach me all that. I used to play piano and it was more than 2x easier. Idk what to play now. What's a good instrument? I wanted to start a band so are bass or drums good and easier instruments to play?




  1. Why didn't you stick to keyboards if you found them easier? Most people find them harder to learn than the guitar.

    The music theory behind all instruments is the same, so I'm surprised your musical knowledge couldn't be transferred to guitar.

    Some people like keyboards, some like strings, others like wind instruments, and some just like hitting things with sticks. You need to find out what instrument suits you best. It will be one you already feel an affinity with, or at least like the sound of.

    As a bass player myself, I can confirm that bass is easier than guitar, at least at beginner level, and you'll always find yourself in demand. You'll also be the butt of jokes, but not so much as a drummer.

    Good luck!

  2. Learning the Bass is easy, however, you cannot play it if you don't have your heart into it.  As a great bass player once said, "Bass is the easiest instrument to learn, but it is the hardest to master."  Drums, are also an interesting choice.  They require hours of practice, concentration, and great hand-eye coordination.  No matter which instrument you decide to learn, you should go with one you want to play, not which is easier or not.

    It sounds like you are having some problems with the guitar.  You don't have the drive to learn them.  I played piano for five years, and recently started learning to play the bass guitar.  Piano and Guitar/Bass are completely different animals.  There should be a difference in how they play, and there is a learning curve involved.

    As for other instruments you can learn.  You don't necessarily have to learn an instrument, while you can be lead singer, mixer, or professional lighting.  Whatever your heart desires.  Since piano was easy for you, maybe you should consider learning keyboard.  Although it is much different from, say, classical piano, it has the same structure, note sequencing, and keys.  You can find a good beginner keyboard for under $150.  Whatever you decide to play, put all of your drive, confidence and creativity into it.  Learn to love your instrument and art like a child.

    Good Luck with whatever you decide to play!

  3. Ok this is why i don't suggest going online for lessons.Different teachers, different methods,and different ideas on the guitar can confuse you especially if you're a beginner. I suggest you find one good book, guitar system, or teacher and stick with them and them alone make sure there style works for your. I'm going to suggest CVLS they have great books at and free guitar lessons at  You have to stick with guitar you just can't go into another instrument because you think its easier because learning any musical instrument will take time and patience and if you lack drive then learning the bass can be just as difficult as learning lead guitar.  There were three things i used to stay motivatied when playing guitar

    1. I stuck with one system CVLS i stuck to there straight forward method and didn't worry about the other millions of teachers out there. THey were good, they explained everything so that i could understand it there lesson were helpful, easy to understand, applicable to me playing guitar with other pros(in other words they taught me how to improvise), and there stuff was challenging it was stuff i wanted to learn and stuff that i had to sit down for a good while and just practice.

    2. Playing with others. It would greatly benefit you to find others to play with. I suggest you start off somewhere your familair with does your local church have musicians.Quite often church musicians are some of the best. If not find some old pros who you have some sort of realtionship with. If you can't do that start your band with people on your level of musicianship or who are a little (not a lot) more advance then you'll find that the sucky stuff you do sounds much better with a full blown band and its sound backing you trust me I know.

    3. I not ashamed to say it God was a big part in my playing. Now you may not believe or whatever the case may be but It just feels good to have the reassurance that you have somebody watching your back and supporting you every inch of the way.

    4. Okay i know i said three but another important thing to do is to listen to great music. This to Good bands that you love try to learn there songs it'll give you a goal and ideas for making you own song.

    So in conclusion dude don't give up If you have anymore questions i'll be glad to help stick with it guitar is an awesome instrument.

  4. STICK to GUITAR!!! its all about having fun... what i did to learn is i learned chords for songs i liked like WILD THING and SMOKE ON THE WATER... and after learning those songs, the chords within those songs i never forgot... its like it gets burned into your memory... Just give guitar ONE more shot!

  5. Start out with easy songs on guitar. Easy easy songs. Then progress to more difficult ones. Try curving your fingers and pressing harder too. I know, sometimes it's painful, but you'll get used to it.

    Are you still in school? If you are, and there's a school band, join it. From my school band, I've learned how to play clarinet AND tenor sax, and I'm a rising 7th grader.

    Drums are harder than they look, but mostly rhythm.

    Bass? Mostly about rhythm too.

    If you don't stick to just an instrument, you'll never learn! Aquiring skills takes HARD WORK. You aren't just born with it!!


  6. If you didn't have it in you to begin with, you shoulda never started. It's not about what's "easiest to play", or 'getting it".

  7. Well I play the drums and guitar, they're both pretty hard instruments. Like keeping 5 different beats on the drums... that can be tough. I taught myself drums and guitar (acoustic) with no teachers. On the guitar just start learning chords from and then learn your scales once you have those down you'll be good... That's what I did and I have been only been playing for 5 months. Don't spend money on lessons... there are free online lessons.. Or go to youtube and write beginner guitar lessons... There are million results..

    Hoped this helped :)

  8. I don't know from experience but I know the guy who plays guitar in our band says that bass is way easier to play.  I sing and play the keys so I really hope you get your band together!

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