
I want to go Green, what is the first thing I should do to go green?

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I want to go Green, what is the first thing I should do to go green?




  1. Here's a site that has a long list of stuff you can do to go green.


  2. Try making your homepage BioGoogle which an eco friendly Google. It is found at

  3. I agree with the rest.  Reduce, Recycle, Reuse!  Another idea is to go green on your home cleaning supplies.  They pollute your indoor air terribly, and if you have kids or pets it's worse on them.  There are many wonderful websites for this.  My favorite is   Great products & they are all made in the USA!!  Agood read is Green Living by the editors of E/The Environmental Magazine.  LOTS of resources.  I found it on ebay for about $3.00, after I checked it out @ my local library.  It takes time, but with perseverance you can do it!  Good Luck!!

  4. try this web site for solutions

  5. First of all, yay u!

    I think u could start by recycling the bottles and paper at ur house, watch TV no more than 1 1/2 hours a day, drive less, shower shorter, take public transportations, write letter to Congress on stricter laws for pollutant gas omission, and eat less beef! =)

  6. Eat some bad food, that should do it.

  7. Visit  You can get rid of or acquire stuff free of charge and keep things out of the landfill.

    Secondly, I wouldn't worry about changing to the 'energy saving' light bulbs for two reasons:

    1. light bulbs don't use that much power compared to heating water and using the oven and heaters

    2. They are filled with mercury gas. If one breaks, get out fast as they are highly toxic.

  8. get paint.

    and paint youself awaay! :)

  9. First you should swap out light bulbs. Then you should turn the heat down in the house and just wear warmer clothes and then insulate your house.  Then wash loads of laundry in cold washes and dry them out in the sun, maybe only dry them in the sun in the summer.

  10. yea recycle reuse reduce read books abotu it and dont liter and all da stuff dat u thnk greens do. also raise money 4 a trash zapper it exists really search it up. i already raised $ 4 it. write 2 da prez about global warmng

  11. Recycle glass, paper, metal, turn off the lights when you don't really need them, walk more and use the car less, use public transportation, don't throw away your clothes after just 1 season / wear them for longer periods of time, give your old stuff to people who need them, try to waste less water, write on both sides of a piece of paper, use a cloth bag for shopping/don't use plastic bags.

  12. If you're truly committed to going green, the first thing you should do is recycle all of the extra things that are taking up space in your house.

    You can read all the different things you can recycle here:

    The next thing you can do is conserve energy. You can read about energy conservation here:

    If you do both of these things then you'll be well on your way to living an eco-lifestyle!

  13. buy the book "The Green Book", the first thing that I did in my home was get rid of all of the toxic cleaning products.  I bought most of mine at Target the Method line. I also went to the local organic market/grocery store and changed my dishwashing deterget to Seventh Generation (I like the liquid, I don't recommend the Green Apple scent) and changed my laudry deterget to an Eco-Friendly one as well.  You can buy biodegratable dryer sheets at Walmart.

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