
I want to go Vegetarian but I heard I need to take pills....?

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I recently have decided I wanted to go Vegetarian. My aunt Shyla who owns a health food/ make-up/ medicine/ ect. store told my mom that I would need to take pills.

I don't know what type and I don't know whether I should take pills. I never got a chance too talk with my aunt but I need help. Please and thankyou- Little Shy




  1. You need to take B12 supplement or foods fortified with B12.

    Unless if you drink milk and eat egg. You will be able to obtain enough B12 from milk and egg.

    In my country, I couldn't find any soy/rice milk, cereal fortified with B12. The only vegan food here with B12 is yeast. but than it contain only small amount of B12.

    So I need to take B12 supplement(in pill form).

  2. if you dont want to take pills there are a lot of other substitutes like peanut butter and tofu

    if your more athletic though you might want to take pills for protein

    you could also eat protein bars

  3. The first girl is right a multi vitamin is a good idea, I am a former chef and now a lacto-ovo vegetarian, I weened myself off of meat slowly and did for a while until my body adjusted take a calcium and vitamin d pill as I do not drink milk.

    Best to ween yourself off and slowly let yourself adapt, eat more beans, rice, lentils and other proteins, best to develope a taste for tofu and soy tempeh, qourm and seitan products, I would say a lacto-ovo diet is easier to adapt to then just a straight vegetarian, but again you can drop the dairy and stick with soya milk, I do not eat alot of eggs or egg products, mainly egg whites from the cartons and replacements for cooking, and then there is less of the need for supplements, but the vitamin is always a good idea and there are good vegetarian one with no meat or seafood elements.

  4. I am a Vegan which means no meat, dairy, or eggs.  I love being a Vegan and I have never felt better.  I just can't stand how animals are treated so cruelly so that we can have food to eat and drink.  I decided that I know longer wanted any part of eat and there is plenty to eat being a Vegan.  I think that a multivitamin can't hurt and I also heard that you should take a B-12 supplement if you don't get enough of it in your diet.  I drink rice milk which has B-12 in it.  Just eat a balance diet and make sure that you are getting enough protein.  Good luck and enjoy being a Vegetarian.

  5. Nope, just get some protein and you'll be fine.

    You can take vitamins if you want but just as long as you eat a  balanced diet you'll be fine.


  6. when i read this question b4 i clicked on it - the 1st thought that came to mind was "Who told you that  - some one who owns a "health (pill box) food store" - or pharmacy?  well then i clicked on it.

    any way - the key to a healthy veggie diet is EDUCATION - if you eat correctly & educate your self on what foods provide what vits & minerals, no Pills are nessary.  why do i know this?  cuz i am a Mom & a Veggie & raised 4 boys & 2 daughters all veggies & all grown & still veggies.  all the boys are well over 6 feet tall 3 of the 4 boys were lettermen in 3 sports all 4 yrs in high school & one daughter a cheerleader & the other lettered in Track 3 yrs in high school.  NO PILLS NESSARY!  and might i suggest you do a bit of research b4 you chat with your auntie.  check out a few websites - look for info on a "Transistional Diet" do this safely - cuz if you go at it willy nilly you will end up not feeling good about it or your desision.  maybe include you Mom and Auntie in the research so they do not feel alienated by your decision  7 you can invite then to try it cuz it is good for their HEART HEALTH - check out "Go Red for Women"  recipes - excersies - heart health check up right there online.  good luck!

  7. Taking multivitamins is a choice that could help both vegetarian and omnivorous diets, but isn't necessary in either. I'm a vegan who takes a multivitamin and a calcium supplement, although I could certainly survive healthily with neither. It does provide a certain peace of mind and makes it easier to keep track of what vitamins you get; I would recommend new vegetarians/vegans, at least, take them. It makes getting proper nutrition much simpler.

  8. To every one in this forum.

    Please don't simply invite/welcome anyone to become vegetarian/vegan without telling him/her the important of vitamin B12.

    Vitamin B-12 deficiency is very serious.

    According to wikipedia:

    "Vitamin B-12 may be found to be lacking in those practicing vegan diets who do not use multivitamin supplements or eat B-12 fortified foods"

  9. I dont take any pills.

  10. That's great you want to become vegetarian. Your aunt is uninformed... vegetarians don't need to take any pills. You can get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need by eating a normal variety of veg foods -- fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. Here are some good vegetarian sources of protein, iron, and calcium:

    It doesn't hurt to take a multi-vitamin, but it's not necessary if you're eating a well-balanced diet. Just make sure you don't starve yourself on low-calorie foods like salads or live on junk food. Good luck!

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