
I want to go into labor before my scheduled c-section. is it probable?

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if its scheduled how probable do you think it is to go into labor before 40 weeks, i have previously had a c-section and my doc wants to plan for another but i want to expeirence labor one more time since i don't plan on getting pregnant again..i just want to make sure the baby is ready to come out




  1. It is irresponsible to wait till contractions start to proceed with a c-section. You could cause your baby to go in distress, not get enough oxygen and possibly risk cerebral parsy. Listen to your doctor.

    ADD: sorry but YOU don't understand. On the other hand Your doctor understands and that is why he has scheduled a c-section. YOU do not have any medical degree I believe so, do not put your life or your baby's life in jeopardy just because you got in to your head that your baby needs to come out when he's ready! and when he's ready is when you start having contraction it's not always the case.

    I had a c-section with my daughter and I had no contraction....If I had waited to feel contraction she would of died and so would I have.

  2. Yes, that's possible.

    But if your having a c section, there's a reason why.

  3. Don't be selfish

    let it happen naturally

    its best for your baby to

    stay as long as possible

  4. i think you should trust your doctor. you probably have a narrow pelvis which is why your bones dont spread out enough. it isnt worth putting you baby in danger so if i was you i would stick to having the c section. good luck with whatever happens

  5. You don't have to be in labor to know your baby is ready. I just wonder why the bone thing is such a big issue. I thought it was all about dilation. Small women and even adolescents have had normal deliveries. Anyway, best wishes on the c section.

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