
I want to go into the army after i graduate and i am a senior now ?

by Guest55657  |  earlier

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so im going to start training now and i want to know how long i should be able to run and how many push ups i will need to be able to get through Boot camp easliy




  1. (Just got out of Army) At 18 years old, you have to run 2 miles in under 15:54, do at least 42 push-ups in 2 mins. and do 53 sit-ups in 2 mins. These are all for minimum score-60 points each. Try to do better then these scores though. Good Luck. Hooah!

  2. Have you thought about the Marine Corps yet?

  3. Do not shoot for the minimums.  At 18 your body is able to adapt to things quickly.

    BEFORE you ship to basic you should have three things nailed down.  

    You should have the chest, shoulder and arm strength to do 60 push ups in 2 minutes.  That is 1 every 2 seconds, not a rough pace.  But if you start there you will leave basic doing 90 in 2 minutes.

    You should be able to do at least 70 sit-ups in 2 minutes.  When you leave basic it will be over 100.

    Try to get your run under 14:00.  That can be tough.  If you are a tall person you can walk it in that.  If you are a short person, you will really need to push yourself.

    But if you are at those levels you will never be at risk of failing an APFT.  You can arrive half-drunk and half-asleep and still make your 60 points in each event as long as your normal performance is 60/70/14:00.

    If any of those numbers are a problem, try your high school weight and track teams.  Join up and get a year of practice and good advice on improving.

    Thanks for serving.

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