
I want to go into the navy and then go to seal training. what should i exspect from seal training?

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  1. You can expect running with a rubber boat on your head. Running to the chow hall 3 times a day. Running to the pool. Drowning in the pool. Drowning in the ocean. Running on the beach. Not sleeping. Getting yelled at. Having marines steal your lame helmets. Partying in San Diego. Look up BUDS or read this

  2. If you have to ask, then you definitely aren't ready. Expect to get only a couple if any hours of sleep, to push flutter kicks....swim....swim....swim...grab the log and my point) This is by far one of the most difficult units to get into and pass. Read some books on it and if you are 100% sure you want to do this, start preparing with one of the seal work outs. Just realize, if you wash out, you are probably going to end up being a cook...If you have the slightest doubt, don't waste your time.

  3. First of all expect to fail. Don't make failing your goal but those guys get the c**p kicked out of them and tons don't make it.

  4. A very very tough workout

  5. When you see the Navy recruiter, tell him you want to do the SEAL challenge. When you go you best be in decent shape. They'll set you up to go right after boot camp. You need to be comfortable working in the water under stressful conditions and do a lot of running in sand.

    Here's a couple of videos on SEAL training on You tube.

    See the following link by a former SEAL for working out and getting in shape.

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