
I want to go on a dairy-free diet. Can you help tell me what is best?

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I still live at home and my mother puts milk in everything so it's really hard, but I'm going to start working soon and will have money to buy my own non-dairy products.

What kind of non-dairy milk should I get? Is soy milk okay or is that a no no when it comes to a dairy free diet? How about bread, pasta, etc? What should I avoid with those two?




  1. Soya milk is really nice but you can also get rice milk,hazelnut milk, almond milk and chocolate/strawberry soya milk.It depends where you live but personly i find 'So Good' soya milk the best.You can also get soya yogurts to make sure you're getting enough calcuim.Leafy green vegetables,yeast extract AND wholemealbread are all good sources.

    There's no reason to stop eating bread and pasta{preferably wholewheat} as it's vegan,usually containing no eggs and milk depending on the specific brand.In fact they make up a valuable part of most vegan diets.

  2. Soy milk is OK. I prefer almond milk though since when you cook with it it doesn't taste gross like soy milk can when it's heated. Also you can get soy cheese. If you're doing this for vegan reasons I know that you have to buy vegan bread etc because bread and pasta use milk and eggs to make. I'm lactose intolerant but bread etc doesn't bother me.

  3. Just swap round the letters.  Go on a diary-free diet instead.  Eat what you want but don't keep notes.

  4. Soy milk should be okay and as for pasta and bread if you check the labels then you can make sure that you can avoid dairy products. If your going out you can ask the person serving you or pick food you know has no dairy.

    And as for ice-cream some swedish ice cream has no dairy so check your supermarket for that if not then just have sorbet.

  5. Soy milk is fine for a dairy free diet, but the taste can be off-putting.  I prefer almond milk (Almond Breeze) for cooking, and rice milk (Rice Dream) for things like cereal and smoothies.  

  6. Dairy comes from animals. Soy milk is not dairy.

    Most breads do not contain milk, read the ingredients if you have the list.

    Over 90 percent of dry pastas are egg and dairy free.

    I would suggest that you learn to cook. The sooner that you start, the better. Your mother won't be cooking for you when you move out, so why wait to develop your skills?

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

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