I don't want it for s*x.
I want it because I get realy bad cramps when I'm on my peirod and heard it makes tehm less painfull or stops.
and I have ance and It gets rid of that.
I also swim alot and I HATE tampons and I heard it makes your peiorods shorter.
but i think my mom won't believe me if i tell her those reasons because she found a pregnancy test in my garbage a few weeks ago, (It was a dollar store one and my friend and I just wanted to see if they were accurate, just for a joke)
and then she read all my msn history and read that I have condoms in my room ( I have them because a friend left them at my house and tehn said i could keep them for just in case moments when I'm in high school)
I'm only 13, going into gr. 8 in september.
I don't know how to ask her though.
and how much does the pill cost?
can I get it without her?