
I want to go on the pill, how to ask mom?

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I don't want it for s*x.

I want it because I get realy bad cramps when I'm on my peirod and heard it makes tehm less painfull or stops.

and I have ance and It gets rid of that.

I also swim alot and I HATE tampons and I heard it makes your peiorods shorter.

but i think my mom won't believe me if i tell her those reasons because she found a pregnancy test in my garbage a few weeks ago, (It was a dollar store one and my friend and I just wanted to see if they were accurate, just for a joke)

and then she read all my msn history and read that I have condoms in my room ( I have them because a friend left them at my house and tehn said i could keep them for just in case moments when I'm in high school)

I'm only 13, going into gr. 8 in september.

I don't know how to ask her though.

and how much does the pill cost?

can I get it without her?




  1. I don't believe that's the only reason. You are hanging around people who are having s*x and most likely you will too since you are soo young. I didn't have those kind of friends growing up, all of us were virgins. I lost my virginity at 18 almost 19, so did most of my friends. You need to drink more water(8 glasses a day) and eat less fatty foods. I take pamprin for cramps which is on the first day of my period.

  2. I'm going to help you save face, first of all your mother has probably been there done that, don't even think that she would buy that lie,  why not just tell her the truth and let her trust you.  It's obvious you have been doing your homework so you already know the answer, trust me when i tell you most of us have tried this line b/4 and our parents still didn't believe us.  go read a book or something.

  3. I totally understand how you feel, when i was younger my mom was the same way...

    I dont know where you live but there are free clinics where they give you free exams, tests, and birth control. Just go to a search engine web site and search for a confidential clinic in your area.

  4. I think you you were to talk to her and really be honest with her she might let you. just have her go to the doctors with you and ask her about it. yeah i know the excuses if they are on birth control then they can have s*x behind my back, but in cases like that i would prefer my daughter to be protected and have safe s*x then not be pregnanted and have un protcted s*x which can lead to much more then pregnancy

  5. try midol it work for cramps really well.

  6. first off, you should know that birth control is not guaranteed to help with cramps, and in some cases it won't help at all. I also don't think it makes your periods shorter, it just regulates them so you know when you will get them. The pill also causes weight gain. If you still are considering going on birth control, talk to your mom about it calmly, and explain to her the reasons you do want it. She may not get it for you, since you are only thirteen, but if this is the case, don't get mad about it, just wait and try again another time.

  7. well, if you go to your doctor (not a pediatrician) w/o her in the room then maybe

    i mean if you tell your doctor why you want it maybe the doctor can then explain it to your mom.

    also planned parenthood is an option, they might let you get them w/o her consent

    and if you ask for the generic version of ortho try-cyclin it only cost $4.00 at walmart pharmacy.

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