
I want to go see my sister but.........

by Guest63152  |  earlier

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My mum is being awkaward. My sis lives in Cornwall with her kids but i still live at home (Im 13)

I want to go see her but my mum doesnt. We just got back from staying the week at my Mum's boyfriends. And i was so bored the entire week.

Her exsuse for not wanting to go is "We cant go for the week becuase were marketing the house"

I was like "if we can go to your bf's for a week we can go to Cornwall

I know that was a bit random , but what can i say to her to let me go




  1. I agree with the people call your sis and she might help convince ur mum to let you visit.

    /also say to your mum that if she lets you go you will do lots of housework around the house and be soooo nice to her:):):):)

    Tell her that you really need to go! And its soooo important to you, if she doesn't let you go tell her you will jst sleep all day! and be grumpy.

    Keep on asking her until she agrees.

  2. u should sit her down and make some sort of emotional speech about how important ur bond with ur sister is to u, plan what ur going to say before u start. Believe me it will work, (maybe).

  3. Call up your sister, see if she can help get you there somehow...summer is almost over, will she be able to spend time with you or is she at work...Call her up...Take Care

  4. 13 years old and wanting to see your sister. Call your sister and see if you can spend sometime with her, if it's ok arrange who will take you and bring you back. Mommy has her plate full right now, with a boyfriend and the house. Remember you are 13 years old and should be playing outside with friends or reading, watching tv.

    Call sister and write mommy a note how you feel about really wanting to spend some time with your sister and how she will have some free time on her hands if you are with big sister.

    Good luck..

  5. Have you checked to see if it's ok with your sister? She might have other plans that you don't know about. If you live a distance away from Cornwall how would you get there? Could your mum cover the travelling costs? Would she be willing to take you there? It's not safe travelling on your own. If you can answer all this maybe she would change her mind.

    You could be mugged, abducted, raped, murdered ( and these things happen on  and off trains!) .

  6. ask you sister if she can pick you up or if you can get there another way,will she let you stay for the week ?

    THEN, ask your mum if you can go for the week if you can arrange a ride ?

    i am in the states,and have no idea of the distance between you and your sisters home.

  7. say "for heaven's sake! she's my sister, your daughter! you have to see her sometime! who cares if she has kids, what's your problem with seeing her? i want to go see her, and if you don't want to, maybe i can just go without you?"

    sorry if that doesn't help...

  8. Maybe see if she will let you go and stay without her? Is it possible that your sister could pick you up? Or maybe have your mom put you on a train one end and your sister meet you at the other end? Or you could suggest you all go for a weekend and then you stay behind for a week? The most important thing to do is handle it calmly...if you dont get the answer you want don't lash out in temper as this makes any chances of talking her around extremely slim. If you show maturity it could count in your favour. Good luck.

  9. Hi, perhapsyour sister could call your mum up and invite you to go to Cornwall,to give your mum a break? that might work.

  10. call your sister maybe she'll come get you and you can spend a few days together.

    Answer mine plz:

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