
I want to go swimming but I'm self concious about my weight.?

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I am 12 and I'm overweight. I don't want to go swimming because I am afraid of what people think of me. Since I am a guy and don't wear a shirt to swim everyone can see my stretch marks. What should I do?

And I am going to a Lake Resort at the end of the month so I need tips fast.





  1. you into biking at all?

    If there's a park or something nearby, a ride everyday and you'll lose enough in 30 days to be ok at the lake.

  2. I think you should stop worrying about what people are going to say to you. People who make fun of others do it because they have imperfections they themselves cant help so they pick on others.Be proud of your body and who you are and if someone picks at you. Just smile at them and ignore them. They will feel really stupid. Have fun in your vacation and if you feel you need to loose weight than start walking. Start slow and remember do it for yourself.

  3. I feel for you kid.  You should make a plan.  By the time you reach age 14, you will be buff.  there is no quick fix.  But, you have a lot of time to correct this.  Don't dwell on the Lake Resort.  Dwell on spring break your senior year of HS.  

    Play sports, be strong, read about food and fitness.  Create a plan and stick with it.  Tell everyone you will be buff in 1 year.  Let them laugh and use it as motivation.  I used to be overweight.  People laughed at me.  Now I am laughing because I have knowledge of my body and what it needs to be healthy.  read my friend.  read and research.

    here is a start:

  4. Have you thought about getting a swim shirt.  These look really slimming but do run a bit small

  5. don't worry about it little man. Ur only 12, for all u know u might shoot up 4 inches this summer and u will look fine. just do some running every now and then, don't worry about your weight,  over weightness is very accepted in the american secoity.

  6. If your a dude nobody cares if your overwieght. People only think its wierd when fat chicks swim but maybe thats cause im a skinny white kid.

  7. You have the power to control how you feel.  Don't ever let anyone tell you any different.  So what if people talk or whisper.  Its about you dude.  Let down your guard and have fun.  No matter if you are big or small someone will alway have something to talk about.  HAVE FUN ...Say this Its whatever..don't ever give your power to someone. Life is to short for you to be self concious.  There are worse things in life besides being over weight.. SO what are you going to do on your trip?  You are going to take your shirt off and  have the time of your life.  If people have something to say 4get aout them there just haters because they are eating  nothing.  Have a great time!!!!!! and remember to 4-get the haters.

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