
I want to go to France but i want to spend little or no money on a place to sleep. Any advice?

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I want to go to France but i want to spend little or no money on a place to sleep. Any advice?




  1. I'm soooo ashamed to admit this: a friend and I didn't want to pay for a hotel, so we went to a club, convinced the bouncers that we had just arrived from the train station so we could leave our backpacks at the coat check, partied until 6 am, and slept in the Bois de Vincennes that morning. Makes for a good story but I wouldn't do it every night!

  2. :)Sleep in the car!

  3. Have you considered housing exchanges? I'd check FUSAC (France USA Contacts) and the Paris Voice:

  4. hostel.. theres bound to be places for homeless people or travellers

    or even sleep on a park bench(Y)

  5. I've been to France and I wouldn't reccomend sleeping in public places as it is somewhat dangerous and not to mention illegal. is a great place to check.  People offer their couches for free to travellers  and usually are very friendly.  Email in advance however.  Also French people are sometimes friendly depending on where you go and may offer you a place to stay for free.  If it comes down to it hostels are not that expensive and you can check rates on or

  6. Youth hostels all the way.  You'll sleep in a dormitory with all the other travelers, the price is right and you can usually have access to a kitch and laundry facilities.

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