
I want to go to France for 3 weeks on my own this summer, improve french, need inspiration of what to do?

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I want to go to France for 3 weeks on my own this summer, improve french, need inspiration of what to do?




  1. dont go to places that look like tourists are there and its packed go to places that look like they have locals go get cafes try to make a friend who is a parisian who speaks some english so you can learn more and also just talk to people you will be suprised at what you find out and also go to different parts of france because in paris evreyone speaks a little bit of english try going to normandy or brest or marsaile.

  2. If you already speak some French, then you can watch French movies or movies that have been dubbed in French.  Listen to French music, but make sure the words are enunciated clearly.  I know that may or may not be your preferred style of music, but spending a period of time every day will really help you improve.  Spend most of your time in places where only French or mostly French is spoken.  Make an effort to read articles, newspapers, magazines, and books in French. often has good articles.  Before you go, while you're preparing for your trip, you could watch French TV over the Internet.

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