
I want to go to London, how much money should I save up?

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I want to go to London next year or the year after.How much money should I save up? Where can I get cheap plane tickets to London?What websites can I get cheap plane tickets?Are there hostels in London I can stay at or any cheap hotels?How much are the cheap hotels?How much are the hostels?How much are the attractions?How much does the double decker bus cost?How much do meals at a restaurant cost?Are the fast food restaurants cheap? I want to take that train to Paris too. How much should I save up for Paris? I'm not staying in a hotel.I want to come back to London.I want to spend only a day in Paris.How much is Disneyland in Paris?How much are the museums?How much is food?Fast food?How much is the train to Paris from London?Are blacks discriminated against in London? I have heard some say that England can't stand blacks? Is this true?Will I have a problem because I'm black?How much money should I save up for London?I want to stay in London for 5 days.I just want to spend a day in Paris




  1. I've been to London but not Paris. Here again, it's just like NYC. Everything is really expensive. Then throw in the fact that the dollar value against the British pound. I don't know what the exchange rate is but you will need thousands to go to London. If you go, be sure you take the redline bus. It is fairly reasonable and will take you to the Tower of London and other historic places like Buckingham Palace. It's very nice. It's a fun trip. It's not true that Londoners don't like blacks. There are lots of blacks living in London with those irresistible British accents!

  2. just find yourself a successful white man with a PhD and a masters to take care of it.

  3. Wow, you have a lot of questions! Ok firstly there are LOADS of black people who live in London and as far as I am aware the majority of Londoners have absolutely no problem with blacks.  Obviously you get exceptions as you do in every city I'm afraid but I really don't think that London is more racist than anywhere else.  

    You should try and save up a lot of money for London.  I don't know where you come from so can't say how much, but it's a very expensive city.  A metro day ticket costs about £5.50 for example: in Paris it's only 1.20 euros for a single ticket so much cheaper.

    If you want to go to Paris on the eurostar just for one day it's possible but bear in mind that it's a 3 hour journey and you need to be at the station at least 30 minutes beforehand.  The earlier you book your train tickets, the cheaper they usually are.  Also they tend to be cheaper on week days, much more expensive on weekends and peak times.  You can book tickets via the website  Do it at least 3 months before if you can.

    Food prices in London and Paris vary according to what you wanna eat of course.  McDonnalds is always pretty cheap though.  In Paris you can get a good meal for around 10-15 euros. London Im not sure, Im guessing about 15-20 pounds but as I say places like McDonnalds and Burger king are much cheaper u can get a meal for around 6/7 pounds.

    If you're looking for a cheap hostel try these sites:

    Cheap plane tickets, well I don't know where you live so it's hard to say.  Easyjet is a budget airline but only does European destinations.  ( RyanAir too. (

    I'm afraid I don't know how much the double decker bus costs.  Do you mean a regular bus or a tourist open top bus? Im guessing a regular bus would be around £3 for a ticket, the tourist bus more like £20 for a day pass.

    Hope this helps!

  4. It all depends on how long you are willing to stay and where you are from.

    I went to the UK from Brazil last year to spend 3 weeks and all I spent was R$5.000,00 (at that time the dollar was R$2,50 = US$1). The difference was that I had friends' to stop at, so I didnt spend money on hostels. (you can find them on the following websites: ; )

    The museums vary form 10-15 pounds to get in. I went to loads of them and I dont remeber any being cheaper. A student card helps a lot, cos you may get half price tickets.

    To see shows like the Lion King, Cirque du Soleil can go up to 55 pounds. You can also get 20 pounds tickets! only depending on the availabiity of the seats. Theres always Blue Man shows. They are not expensive and very good!

    Transport is 2 pounds. Either metro or bus. But u can get a day ticket (which I forgot the price. If I am not wrong, its about 5,50 pounds), that is money saver, and you can go anywhere! Double deck busses are about 5 pounds.

    Meals in restaurants are expensive. A dish is from 10 pounds up to the moon! Fast food is cheap (with 99p you can get a burger in Mc D's) But some restaurants have a day (normally wednesday) that they sell good meal for 1/2 price. so its good.

    Its not a wise idea to stay in Paris for a day only! Paris is wonderful! 3 days minimum! Otherwise you will spend loads of money for a super quick and tiring trip! I went for 4 and still thought it was too quick! If I were you, I'd stay a week in London and visit some cities like brighton and bournmouth (which are nearer and good)

    The train to Paris is not the cheapest option, even though it might be the quicker (3 hour journey). For flights, you must look at or or (they do cheap flights). They always have ticket sales even being Low fares. I went London > Berlin for 0,10 Euro + taxes! Remember you will still spend 1 hour from the airport to the city centre (and it costs 8 euros for that)

    You can also go by bus on National Express ( for 6 pounds. But as it takes a day to arrive and another to get back. SO maybe, if time is an issue, its no good).

    And for food and transport, I say exatcly the same... But i stayed in a hostel (which you said you are not willing to stay) for 13 euros. Its near Sacre Coeur. Its not bad teh locatization.

    Don't worry about being black! It's fiiiiine!

  5. No!! dont worry! you will not be discriminated against.... no its not true that england cant stand blacks!

    all the fast food restaurants in london are reasonably priced... in McDonalds you can buy a burger for 99p.... just under £1... other restaurants are pretty expensive!

    Cheap accomadation, look in to places like...

    These are cheap hotels found all over the Uk mainly used by business men but whenever i travel up to london i always stay in one.

    cheap flights from

    Hope you enjot your time!

  6. all of Europe is expensive

    and you might be prejudiced against, might not

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