
I want to go to Princeton? I've been dreaming about it sine I was 10.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be a doctor and study at Princeton for undergraduate.

But I have two problems one I don't have the money so I need a really prestigious scholarship which I can't find one.

Another colleges look for well rounded students. But I'm a sophmore and I suck at sports. I have no coordination. So what am I supposed to do? Join sports even if I suck?

By they way I maintain mostly As maybe one or two Bs. I have about 3.7 gpa. But I am determined to get all As this year.




  1. Well-rounded does not mean you *have* to be good at sports. It just means they don't want a whole bunch of students who are all alike. Try some sports anyway. Are you different in any way from your peers? DO you speak languages? Is there anything that you excel in? Have you traveled outside of the country? How's your writing? Have you visitied the university? ARe you now in a public or private school? Does your school have any contacts with anyne frm Princeton?

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