
I want to go to Thailand on a one-way ticket because I'll be staying 2 or 3 months ... do they check .....

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.... for onward or return reservations when you enter the country?

Is it absolutely necessary to have an onward or return flight out of Thailand to show the immigration officials?




  1. One way tickets usually mean you are on the run.

    Did it ever occur to you that you may get to Thailand and never return? Do you know what can happen to "tourists"?

    I would be very afraid. Hope you speak fluent Thai. Watch some of the movies about travelers to SouthEast Asia. Their jails are legendary. You don't have to do anything except be in the wrong place at the wrong time to land in one.

  2. I don't know about Thailand specifically but most countries expect you to have a return ticket

  3. no, they don't check.  many people go to thailand without onward ticket.  Bangkok is one of the great cities of the world to buy cheap airfare to... anywhere.  that said, i think it less than wise to go this way if there is an alternative (such as a round trip ticket).  2-3 months is not a good reason for this.

    best you find cheap discount round trip ticket.  buy it "open ended."  when ready to go, you call the airline a couple days in advance and confirm return flight.  discount business fluctuates wildly.  you may be standing there in bangkok ready to go and find it impossible to purchase return airfare for any sort of discount.

    when i suggest "discount" i don't mean those supposedly discount sales on the internet.  what i mean are small travel agencies (often chinese owned) that you find in NYC, LA, San Francisco, or Seattle that buy large blocs of deep discount tickets.  (these are called bucket-shops).  check major newspapers in those cities, travel section.  my last Seattle-Bangkok-Seattle ticket was under $650.  there is no way i could have purchased one way tickets for this price; i checked.

  4. Someone mentioned that you needa visa to get into the country.  And the visa is only good for a fixed time period.  I don't know how much difficulty you'd have in getting it extended, but I doubt that it's too much trouble.

    I've traveled to many countries, and my airfare was never a factor in getting the visas.  In fact, when I got the visas, I hadn't even bought the tickets yet.  When I went through customs, they checked my passport for the visa stamp.  That's all they cared about.

  5. Having been to Thailand several times, you need a visa to stay that long, and you must prove you have a round-trip ticket to get the visa.  They do check at the airport as well!

    Also beware checking your baggage to & from Don Muang -- stick to a carry-on bag, keep it under close watch or in your hands at all times, and never, never, never agree to "help someone out" by carrying something of theirs.

  6. one way tickets are NOT a good idea because they would show that you did not intend to leave thailand - unless you have proof that you were leaving by another method - train, boat, or private car.

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