
I want to go to a boarding school, but evey one my family and i are looking at are way to expensive. any help?

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I want to go to a boarding school, but evey one my family and i are looking at are way to expensive. any help?




  1. Have u tried for a scholarship?

  2. i dont hav any help BUT WHY WOULD U WANNA GO TO A BOARDING SCHOOL?!!? its just a school what the heck is the difference between that and a normal school u get education u need don't ya. so whats the point of putting ur family in debt just b/c u have to b a picky little brat

  3. no. they are what they are

  4. Have we not had this conversation before?

    -- Try investigating the possibility of scholarships, grants, bursaries etc

    -- Check out government boarding schools (your tuition is free, your parents just pay your boarding fees, so that cuts the costs drastically)

    -- Don't be too quick to dismiss the possibility of going to a boarding school overseas. There are HEAPS of countries where the education is excellent and the costs ridiculously low when compared to the US, Australia etc.

  5. Contact the school and ask if they have any grants or scholarships.. Then ask if they have any alumni that are willing to sponsor you.  And if you get either one, you'd better stick it out & work extremely hard and make them proud of you.  Good luck

  6. Try looking in another section. This is the homeschooling section.

    Other than that, try

  7. Ask if they have financial aid options or payment plans....also ask about scholarships.  At the end of the day, if they're too expensive, then they're too expensive.  Nothing you can do.

  8. Don't listen to everyones imput about things your not asking. Boarding school financial aid usually works a lot like college, you get accepted and then you get a financial aid package. 60% of kids at my school get some kind of financial aid. This all also depends on the school and how much money they have to give, etc. Don't be discouraged you can probably make it work out if you really want it to.

  9. YES.

    Okay, every school has financial aid. I go to a boarding school that is $40,00 a year and i get $26,000 a year of financial aid. We are middle class and we're not really poor but if you ask for financial aid they will give it to you. Go through the application process and then upon being accepted fill out the financial aid form. Just be sure to have good grades. But just a warning, DONT! I hate boarding school so much and want to transfer to public school.

  10. good for you for trying to get a decent education, because public schools are a joke.

    You can get scholarships for boarding school if your family's income qualifies, or you have high enough grades, a certain talent, etc.  

    I would do a search online, or contact the boading schools you are interested in and see what options they have for financial aid.

    Good Luck!

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