
I want to go to canada as a Foreign exchange student in ingeniring were can i find info?

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I want to go to canada as a Foreign exchange student in ingeniring were can i find info?




  1. well, first off. you need to learn how to spell engineering

  2. to the first two answerer's : It's not everyone in canada who speak english. Maybe he wants to come here, in the province of quebec where we speak french. and by the way, engineering if pronounced by a french would be written "ingeniring".

    here is the link for exchange programs by the government of canada. its a big website, it should contain what you are looking for...(if you want it in french, click sur "francais" en haut a gauche...)

    edited : forgot to mention that if you want an exchange at the university level, try the second link!

  3. ingeniring? Don't you have to know how to spell what you want to study?

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