
I want to go to college but....?

by  |  earlier

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I want to go to college but I need my mom and dad to fill out the student aid form and they don't see why they need to and won't do it. so far I have waited 3 years. I have to be 24, married, or have a kid before I don't need them. I am getting married but we have no set date. and I am tired of waiting. I want to further my education what do I do? I don't want to get married now because my guy is in jail.we have been together for awhile and he made a stupid mistake. does any one know if there is something that I can do? some way around this block?




  1. If you have a particular college in mind, simply contact their student aid department (call directory and ask for it, or find it on the college's website).. There are options to obtaining student aids and there are different types.

    There are also scholarships and other programs that universities offer.  There are also private, non-profit organizations that assist financial disadvantaged students. Again, the student aid people should be able to assist you in more details about these as well.

    Other than student aid, you can also apply for a college student loan from your local bank, and much like student loans, you can defer payment until you actually graduate.

  2. I wish people would stop with the nonsense.  The ONLY way to get around a dependency qualification, legally, is to have a Professional Judgment Committee overturn your dependency.  You must show extreme hardship.  Unfortunately, your situation probably will not qualify.  Why your parent's won't help you or give you information I am not sure, but you need to have an FA rep on campus talk to them.  They are hindering your education.

  3. You can say that you don't live with your parents. somewhere on the form you can put that you are independent but you have to have a job and show your pay check stub or Tax return.

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