
I want to go to france with my friends. we're 14. im 100% serious. any ideas?

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ok so im 14, i have nothing to do this summer and im mad as h**l about it. last year when i was 12 i decided to go to hershey park with my friends and it worked out so i decided that i want to go to france this year. idk how to go about this but otherwise im stuck at home for two months having my parents screaming at me for doing nothing productive. if i could make a camping trip to hershey happen by myself, i could make a trip to france for a month happen too, right?





  1. With the current economic crisis  and the euro almost at 1 dollar 50 cents you will have to be packing some real cash. Expect 1000+ dollars / person.

  2. It is technically possible in the sense that minors can perfectly fly with their parents' authorization and it is very easy with the right tips to live on less than 50 euros/day. BUT: no parent in their right mind would let two 14-year old girls travel on their own so far from home if they don't know anyone in France. Your best option is to look for a host family in France. 2 possibilities:

    - go through a specialized organization. It is the safest method because they provide insurance and everything but it is quite costly.

    - find a pen-pal from France online and once you feel comfortable with her and her family, suggest the possibility of staying with them in exchange of her staying with you. This will only cost you the air ticket and some pocket money.

    In either case, you need your parents' approval and be careful to find a nice, reliable host family.

  3. The truth is france is a bad place 2 b without a lot of money.  everything costs a lot there.  I had a friend who went to Switzerland for s ummer when she was 14 and she had an impossible time getting back.  The weather was bad so she didnt make it to the airport on time so she missed her flight back.  She had 2 get he rparents to send her money which took 2 days and she had nowhere to stay for the entire time.

  4. i think you should look for an international workcamp were you will meet people from all the world and do something with them (as rebuilt something, help children, take care of the nature...). there are some il almost all countries and so in france. it's a good way to travel and to keep your parents quiet because you're not alone. but maybe 14 is too young, but sure at 15 it's OK for that kind of things.

    here is an example of an organisation (look at short terms placement) :

    maybe they have nothing in france, but there are more association

    (solidarités jeunesse, concordia...)

  5. Im going to spain with my friends but the only reason is that one of them has a house there.. From england btw, so its not that far. (im 14 too! woooh.) I dont really think its a good idea because not all airlines let you fly alone till your 16. And two 18 year olds is coming with us too, so that we can get out there safely..

    I know its a pain but, i think its better to wait a while, unless you know the area really well. In two years you can save up enough, and your parents might even foot the bill if you say its a present for passing your exams. Im going to New york after my GCSE's. This way you have more time to plan.There's a bad exchange rate too at the moment. Better to carry travellers cheques. AND/OR a debit card.

    You need PLENTY of money out there! Its quite expensive for hotels and flights, go to a travel agent and try and get a cheap deal, either book well in advance or right before the holiday in the sale. When you're out there you need a phone card, otherwise you cant use the phones. Its quite hard to check in too when your under 18.

    And what happens if someone gets ill etc, its not like you can drive 20 miles to hospital. And then theres insurance, and hotel bills, and loads more effort. Very useful if you can speak french. parlez-vous français? :D You need to know basic french at least, and its usefull too carry around with you a phrase book.

    You might need to go to the french embassy, and check if you need anything else to prove your idenity, although I would think a passport is strong enough evidence.  On the plane, which is well annoying, you have to sit next to an air hostess, and she or he walks round the airport with you. In some airports, you have to sit in the minors lounge, (under 16's).

    My cousin went to rome last month with her boyfriend, (18) and got her bag stolen with her WHOLE holiday money, ipod, hotel keys, car keys, etc... Luckilly her passport was in her suitcase, keep your money and passport really close to your body... I know this sounds a little childish but the best place for this is in your bra! Because you would know if it went walkies..

    Good luck!


  6. Right, cause France is just like going to Hershey

  7. Are you going to expect your horrible parents to finance this trip?  It could be a problem, since you are all so young.  You might not be allowed to sign for the hotel or whatever, I don't know.  

    Camping a Hershey is a lot different--and how did you guys get there, by the way?

  8. if u have cash yeah

  9. its possible, because i've done it before. on my 13th birthday (in the summer) , i took a 3 of my best friends to paris, and we had enough money there to last for 2 months. my dad paid for it, cause he lives over there and he will do anything to see me again after 4 years. i suggest if you have a low budget, work for the money

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