
I want to go to indiana to buy tobbaco, where and how do i go there?

by  |  earlier

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i live in downtown chicago, a pack of cigarettes is around 8$. i usually get packs when i travel by plane, but now i am out. a friend told me to go to indiana where the prices of the pack is 3$ wow!! so how can i get there..amtrack or metra and to what city in indiana?




  1. Wow! Thats crazy for a pack of cigs. Here in FL we have some brands (el cheap-o's) for under $3.

    I suggest you go to Indiana, and stock up. Buy a carton or two.. or more, and just freeze what you don't plan on using right now.

  2. South Shore line would be good (to South Bend).

    But I think you're being stupid.  The price is high so that you can quit smoking.

  3. Take the EL to Hammond.

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