
I want to go to regionals with this macro deck (yugioh) needs fixing?

by  |  earlier

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ive been to a few local tournaments with this deck and did not do so well. also i cant afford dark bribe/solemn judgement, so dont include those in your fix. thanks

monsters 18

3x caius the shadow monarch

3x d.d. survivor

3x exiled force

2x cyber dragon

1x snipe hunter

1x marshmallon

1x spirit reaper

2x banisher of the radiance

1x d.d. assailant

1x d.d. worrior lady

spells 11

3x dimensional fissure

2x reinforcements of the army

2x enemy controller

1x lightning vortex

1x swords of revealing light

1x mystical space typhoon

1x brain control

traps 11

2x macro cosmos

1x mirror force

1x magic cylinder

3x sakuretsu armer

3x bottomless trap hole

1x torrential tribute




  1. 40 Card Deck


    3x caius the shadow monarch

    3x d.d. survivor

    2x exiled force

    2x cyber dragon

    1x snipe hunter

    1x marshmallon

    1x spirit reaper

    3x d.d. assailant

    1x d.d. worrior lady

    2x Golden Homunculus

    2x Gren Maju Da Eiza


    2x dimensional fissure

    2x reinforcements of the army

    2x lightning vortex

    1x swords of revealing light

    1x mystical space typhoon


    3x macro cosmos

    1x mirror force

    2x Dimensional Prison

    2x sakuretsu armer

    2x bottomless trap hole

    1x torrential tribute

    Hope This Helps!

  2. Well thats because your missing alot of cards. Here, try this,


    1 Exiled Force

    2 Cyber Dragons

    1 Dimesional Fissure

    1 Enenmy Controler


    1 Raiza The Storm Monarch

    1 D.D Assialent

    2 D.D. Warrior(s)

    1 Gravity Bind

    1 Level Limit Area-B

    There, a deck edited by a pro

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