
I want to go to school for highschool?

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i hate being homeschooled is soooo boring and i want to go to school......

im 14 and ive been home school sence 1st grade should i go back to school and how do i convince my dad that im ready for the "real" world?




  1. You are missing out on a lot of social skills your learn in a public, or even private school. You are not interacting as frequently with kids your age, which might have adverse consequences in the future.

    My neighbor was homeschooled until she reached highschool. She is a year older than me, but when she tested she was placed a grade below me. You might not be learning at the same pace as a traditional school. And she loved all the friends she made in school.

    I hope you persuade him!

  2. Tell your dad you can't be his s*x slave forever.

  3. Haha, good for you.

    Just tell him that you really want to go back, and you only live once. Life's to short to just not do what you want (Or feel what's best). Just tell him you just at least want to try it, so you don't regret what could have been.

  4. Just talk to him about it. Let him know how you feel.

  5. This may be more difficult for your parents than you, they may have been trying to geer your education around their ethics and values. Try using current events and social skill development as your objectives. If this doesn't work you may suggest private school, which lends more to ethics and values.

  6. I was home schooled as well.  You should get involved in outside activities and make friends, and then tell your parents that you want to go to school with them.  

    My high school yearbook was really sad.... 100 pictures of me and my mom.

  7. dude you should be happy i would kill to do school at home.

  8. Talk to him, join a sport, get involved with the outside community, there's a number of things you could do to convince him you're ready. HIgh school is a truly amazing and crucial period of your life, even though not always enjoyable, and if YOU feel ready to go, then you should.

  9. Wow its rare to find students that are being home schooled. I only know one girl who does that. Just lay out the facts, in order to survive this world you need to be in an environment of different people and be able to communicate effectively to succeed. Just show that you are serious about your studies and keep that commitment once you are enrolled in school. Research the different high schools and explain why it will benefit you in the future for getting acceptance from universities and colleges. It will be tough trying to get entrance by the way you are being schooled now itself.

  10. you need a better teacher because you cant spell "since".

    that should be reason enough.   ;)

    plus if you dont know how to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally with other people, you'll be extremely unprepared for the real grown up world.

  11. fool juss tell him that your ready. I think you should go to regular school. I mean what is the worst that could happen? him say no. So yeah juss tell him.

  12. Just talk to him about it.  Let him know how you feel.

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