
I want to go to school for nursing but I'm not sure, any ideas?

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I want to go to school for nursing but I'm not sure, any ideas?




  1. Well it is an absolute pleasure to hear someone say they want to do  something good and not just be a model or rock star-- GOOD  FOR YOU

    I would go to a nursing home or hospital and ask to see the director of nursing and ask if you could have a tour of the facility  that you are considering nursing as a career and then many have paid training at which point you can see if that is in deed what you want to do. It is an honorable profession and is having a great shortage and they pay very well.Good luck to you I'm sure you will make a wise choice and do a wonderful job.

  2. Go for it... guy nurses get paid real good and demand is up and a very noble profession (  I have great deal of respect for nurses)

  3. Do whatever you really want to do.

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