
I want to go to stanford?

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can you give me any advice? i am starting college monday, and i didn't apply to Stanford in the first place because i had no idea of their deal with students whose parents make less than $60,000 and $100,000.

so can you give me any advice on getting in from a CC?




  1. Stanford only accepts about 20 transfer students per year out of 1300 applications.  I seriously doubt that any of those accepted are coming from a Community College.

  2. I think the best bet would be to do as well as you can for a semester or maybe even a year. I'm talking straight As. And try to get involved a little bit with some clubs at school and do some community service in your area. All the little things like that only boost your portfolio and make you look like a better candidate. If you want any chance at Stanford, you truly do need straight As, though. That's the most important thing. A friend of mine went to a local CC for two years, finished all of his GE, got straight As, and walked into UC Berkley (a school about on par with Stanford). So, it's possible.

    And colleges are not allowed to discriminate against students who come from low or middle class families. If there is no way it can be paid for, obviously, you won't be able to attend but they can't say no just because your parents don't make 100,000+.


    Oh. I get what you're saying. Then the most important thing will be to get straight As and become involved in clubs, sports, community service projects, etc... If you don't get in after this semester (even if you do all of that) don't fret. It might take a year or two but the important thing to do is to not give up. And even if you don't make it to Standford after this semester, and you have great grades, I'm sure you'll get accepted to San Jose (I saw your other post about that).

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