
I want to go to the Ukraine but my parents just laughed...?

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Im 1/2 ukrainian and i think it would be an amazing experiance going to the ukraine but my parents thing that its too poverty struck and that i would hate it. I want to experiance the culture! How can i convince them




  1. This may shock you, but it's time you learned:

    Sometimes parents lie.

    Like Kevin said, we're not sure what your age is.  Perhaps even more telling:  we don't know the age of your Ukrainian parent, when they left the old country, and what their memories are of the place.  They might be trying to "laugh you out of the idea" to cover up the fact that it pains them deeply to think about Ukraine...and it's easier for them to think of the place as poverty-stricken and sad.

    Good luck trying to figure out their agenda.

  2. Not knowing your age, it is hard to say what their reasons are. I am sure they are just trying to protect you, and it is their fears you must address.

    The best way to present your case to them is with facts. Ukraine (not "the Ukraine") is not a poverty stricken 3rd world country - it is a modern and upcoming country that is beginning to prosper. Do some research on the country, and show them that it is not "poverty stricken".

    For a visit, you would find it culturally rewarding, with many beautiful sites to see. It would give you insight into your native culture - which is something that is presented as very rich in Ukraine.

    Not knowing your age, I would highly recommend you take one of the tours available, such as:

    Being a youth, you should have a chaperone, and preferably a Russian or Ukrainian speaking one (as well as English). Young English speaking students can be taken advantage of there very easily.

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