
I want to go to the movies...but?

by  |  earlier

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My friend, Rachael says she wants to go at 8pm

but the rest of the group wants to go at 5pm so it wont be as cold nd dark

but Rachael says she dosnt want to miss out on tea and said she dosnt want to have it any earlyer or later and in her words " I, unlike you, Actually like food and would like to eat at the Right time. "

So now shes going at 8 wether the rest of us come or not...and I can't go because my mum wont let me go at that time...

The rest of the group say their probly gonna cancel now...cause Rachael wont change times...the rest of us cant go at 8 only 5...

I dunno what to say? any help? cause i did want to go to the movies...but their probly gonna cancel now...




  1. This Rachel character seems to think she's boss.

    Why don't you and the rest of the group go at 5pm? Just because she doesn't want to go at that time, doesn't mean the rest of you can't.

  2. um heres my tip if she wants to go at her time just force her to come at 5 and if she don't want it just cancel  it cause there is no choice tel her if she doesn't wanna come we will just cancel it

    in this do not like your shouting just slow voice got to remind you your spelling is wrong

  3. Go without her. She is only one person. Majority rules. Let her go by herself.

  4. 5pm it, if she can't too bad

  5. u go at 5pm and let her go at 8pm with her boyfiend.

    enjoy urself and let her enjoy the movie

  6. if she's really that knit-picky it's her own fault, do what you want to do.

  7. Yeah, just go without her. That simple.

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