
I want to go vegiterian.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 13 and I am trying to go vegetarian.

I need help.

And I want to eat better, I have eaten tofu.

Just please help me.




  1. Just make sure you get enough protein.

    Breakfast Ideas:

    Soy sausage patties


    waffles or pancakes

    protein/ fiber bars

    carnation instant breakfast


    sandwiches with no deli meat

    boca hamburgers

    wraps and salads


    pasta with boca italian sausage

    soy products


    tomato soup & grilled cheese

    other soups

  2. i am vegetarian nd im 12. its hard but it isnt. you need your iron nd protien tho. good luck nd eat peanut butter, nd beans! nd yep, tofu :] good luck nd congrats :]

  3. It should be fine as long as u are still plenty of variety in your diet since almost every nutrient found in meat can be found in other foods .Plus B vitamins(1,2,6,12.....) are important u could try supplements.good luck!!

  4. The Vegetarian Society will give you a lot of advice & support - look at their website.

    Good luck!

    No, it's not dangerous at ANY age given careful guidance.

    And - Bella - no vegetarian eats either fish or chicken!

  5. I am 14 and i tried to be a vegetarian.  it is really hard to do and you wont be able to do this unless you are really commited to it and dont mind eating a lot of the same foods.  meat provides a lot of protein so you have to make an effort to eat more protein in other foods.  these include eggs, beans, and nuts.  peanut butter was a fave of mine when i was veg.  and also eggs, i had them for breakfast a lot.

    another good way to keep some taste in your diet is to eat a lot of indian food.  over in india, lots of people are vegetarian so lots of their food is vegetarian friendly.  lentils are really good.  you can get those frozen things and just heat them up.  lots of times there spicy tho, so if you dont like that kind of thing then you'll have to find something else. tofu might also be a good habit to start.  i have never had it, so i cant really say anything about it but.... heyy go for it!! =)

    also, maybe try to find a vegetarian restaurant....?? when i was a vegetarian, one of my main problems was that i couldnt get anything when we went out to eat.  

    also, think about what kind of vegetarian you want to be.  some eat chicken and fish, some only fish, some only chicken... it all depends.  my rule was that i wouldnt eat it if it had eyes... but if you are looking for something a little easier i would eat only chicken.  that is something that is easy to cook and can be found at most restaurants.

    gosh.... this is really long!! sorry bout that. i hope it helped!!!! =)

    good luck♥

  6. at your age it could be dangerous to go vegetarian. there are many different things that you need to eat to get vitamins and protein.  since you're still growing, your body will need nutrients more.  try to wait until you're older.  you can still be healthy and eat meat.

  7. It is not dangerous to go vegetarian at your age.  And you actually do not need as much protien as people make you think.  Also, you will not need to take iron because it is basically impossible to not get enough if you eat your veggies. :) but I do take iron supplements simply because I have some anemic symptoms and I don't think it hurts anything. For breakfast you could have cereal and rice milk. toast and jelly. fruit. oatmeal...

    Vegetarians simply do not eat meat. If you wanted to refrain from eating milk, eggs, and meat, and not buying leather, fur, etc, you would be considered vegan. :) which is what i am!!

  8. meat is fatty


    you have to eat a lot

    when you go veg

    so its the same amount of fat if thats what your concerned

    about... and if you want to be able to eat seafood then eat

    a lot of it

  9. I think Bella620 gave you a good answer and you are close to the same age. Maybe you can email her

  10. Going vegi at your age is a great decision! I went vegetarian at 15, and vegan the same year. I am now 16, and it has been truly amazing. Im eating so much better than before. Yes, you do need to make sure your eating properly, but that applies to all children, not just veg*ns. I know many meat eaters that are deficient in many nutrients, but it seems to be that people who nothing about it, are the ones who knock it.  

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