
I want to have a baby, but I know we shouldn't.

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I want to be a mother so bad. Right now all my friends are having kids, and it is really hitting me hard. All my friends are getting engaged too. My boyfriend and I have been together longer then everyone I know, and we're not doing anything. I know it would be best to wait, cause I already wanted to start having kids at 23. (so, 3 years) Plus, we plan on enrolling next year to college, and getting our careers on the go, but I can't help want this so bad. It's killing me.




  1. you could be a nanny in your free time. It makes good money!

    My sister makes 17 bucks a hour being a nanny. PLUS they pay her 25 cents a mile for where she takes the kids. The only thing she has to pay for is crafts!

  2. I know how you feel. But it really is best to wait until the right time. When you are married and have great job, a house and nice car. Then start making babies.

  3. I know exactly what you are going through...Me and my boyfriend are 22, we've been together for 7 years longer than any of our friends. All my friends are either getting engaged,moving in together, or having babies...I want that too! Seems like me and my bf have been at a stand still for 3 years! Just keep your head up and remember one day all those life experiences will happen to you!

    Good Luck!

  4. All i can say is i am 19 years old and in nursing school and want a baby. We have had on previous pregnancy that ended in m/c so that just sparked us to want one all the more. We are going to try despite the fact that i am in school. Plus we are getting married in 6 months. So i say go for it. If you think you are ready then go for it. I got shuned by people for saying i wanted another baby but i know that deep down we are ready. and if you feel the same then do it.

    Good Luck!

  5. and..........

  6. You know the answer to this question. This is not the time.

    It would be unfair to force it on your partner cause even if you want to take care of the child yourself, the law will make him contribute to something that he expressly said, he would rather wait for.

    On a good note, you can volunteer to babysit for people or register to be a temporary foster parent or even have younger relatves come stay with you, to help you bide time and give you practice.

    Hang in there, three years is around the corner.

    Good luck

  7. have kids! I'm 23, with two kids and have been in college for about a year... but my husband also has a great paying job so we aren't really struggling. If I can go to school with two, I'm sure you can do it with one! Good luck!!   :)

  8. I'm going through the same thing!! Its funny because we have the same name and we are the same age. Please don't tell me you live in Texas or Florida lol.. I'm in the same boat as you are. their is only one of my friends besides me that doesn't either already have a kid or have one on the way. I wish I could give you some advice but I can't because I'm the same place as you in life. Please let me know what everyone is letting you know..

    - Jamie  

  9. wow, i know how u feel. ALL my friends but one are preggo or parenting. we were trying for a few months and then my bf's younger brother got his gf pregnant. she'd just turned 18 and they lived with their parents still. i was so jealous - why them and not me?. honestly, though, after trying for a while i've realized that if i wait until i finish school (one more year) and get a job, then we'll have the last laugh when we do have kids 'cause all our friends started off poor, had kids, and just got poorer. but we should be doin great!

    The way i'd look at it is: if it happens, thanx for the mirracle. if not for a couple years, thanks for the progress ANd the miracle. good luck to you.

  10. I know what you mean. I'm in a similar boat as you. MY husband has a stable job and I'm enrolling for college this fall. I'm not concerned about starting a career but I know the feeling you're having and it's tough to deal with. I dont have any real advice, but just know you're not alone in what you're dealing with  

  11. i went through the same thing and it drove me insane! but i waited it out until we got married and as soon as we were married that was it we started trying immediatly. i'm kinda glad we waited though, even though people who had been together for not nearly as long as us got married and had kids. our families still don't believe in us as a couple although we've been together longer before we were married than some of them dated and married some of their significant others, so now they can just kiss it!

  12. You just have to out weigh what it's worth to you. Do you really want to go to college more than having a baby? Will it hurt you financially to have a baby so much that you can't pay bills? Hope it goes well for you. Talk to you boyfriend about it, too.  

  13. I highly doubt its 'killing' you. I don't see why you want to rush to have children. They are expensive, and life gets put on hold as their needs come first

  14. I feel the same way. I'm going to be 23 in two weeks and mostly all my friends are married and have children. We do envy them but i'm sure my time will come and it will for you too. Don't worry about it. I 've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 1/2 years and he really wants a child but i'm in no rush.

  15. if you want a baby and he wants a baby, i think you should start trying. that way you are prepared for a positive hpt... nothin to catch you off guard. you can gte the proper help from the doctor and everything. I'm almost 22 and have been in the same situation as you for a couple of years now. EVEYR SINGLE one of my friends has kids, most have 2. and none of them have been togther as long as me and my man (goin on 5 years). We finally decided a month ago to start TTC. I think you should go for it. Dont worry about "what people will think", If you know in your heart that you really want this, then by all means, go for it!!

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