
I want to have a baby but I think the world is a horrible place?

by  |  earlier

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I have a job. I am very responsible. I am educated. Own my own home. But I am not in love with anyone. So I guess I cant have a baby. Do you think I will find the right guy to have a child with before I get to old? I guess I need a fortune teller to answer this question. Or should I just say forget it, I am not having kids? I want to adopt but I dont want a child to have a single parent life. It's so unfair when you see teenage mothers not taking care of their beautiful gifts. My dog is so spoiled. I think I would be so happy with a baby in the house. I would give them my whole life. Anyone else have my problem?




  1. I don't know where you live, but this part of the world is just fine!

    Don't miss out on  having a child because of your opinion of things.

    You don't have to decide now. Wait and see if you DO meet someone.

  2. well dont have 1

  3. you seem responsible enough to have a child and secure!!  yes there are horrible things going on in our world but there are also amzing things happening everyday!!  if we just give up on having children then we wont even have a world left!!  I dont think that its absolutely essential to have a husband to have a child!!!  many women are sucsessfull and have children that are wonderful lil have many options when considering a child!!!   if you were to adopt you would be making the world a better place by loving an unwanted child....this is something that you can do to make the world not so bad!!!

  4. i suggest you go out there and find a man. look hard but don't leave it until your too old beacuse a kid is wonderful, they stay with you till your old age and they help you reach it faster too. also try to have 2 kids because if you have one it ends up being really spoiled and selfish.

    also you could adopt, if i were you i would, adopt 2 if you can. adopting is really good. you also don't really need a man, just be a close family but also remember with a child you need to be a friend and not a parent

    hope it helps

  5. You sound like you have stable lifestyle and can take care and financially be there for a child. There are many children and babies in this world that would love to have a mother that will love them, care for them, put a roof over their head, feed them and let their minds explore and grow.... My mother got divorced from my father when i was 7yrs old... ill be 24yrs old next month and i have to say my mom did a d**n good job raising me and my younger brother as a single mother... Ive graduated from college and recieved my degree in business and my brother just graduated from high school and is going off to college in september.... yeah we had our disagreements growing up just liek every parent and child do but i knew whenever i had a problem that i could always turn to my single parent mom. shes the 1st person i call when i need something... she gave up many things to let me and my brother live a comfortable life... so dont listen to wait people tell you about being a single mother if you adopt or recieve from a donor.... its love that gets you through the tough times.....wish there were more people in this world that are ready to take on a responsiblity... Good for you.... and i hope you make the right decesion and i know you would make a great mom

  6. I say adopt. theres so many babies waiting to be adopted.

  7. I really believe that you have to take chances, this is the only world we got.  Maybe your child will be the one to save the world?  It is possible.  If you feel you need to be a mother, then do so, but don't think that your child will suffer with one parent, if you are a strong willed person, and you care, you will do what you have to for your child.  Good luck.

  8. Yes.... but you dont have a partner or somebody you aslong as this special man aint in your life just wait....sitting at home and complain about how horrible this world is wont solve your wish so FIND him...if you are an educated,responsible,caring woman it should work out well.What is TOO old,recent trend is to have kids in live when you know yourself and what you need outa life and a decent relationship... but on the other hand DONT idealize the baby-thing too much,a relationship can go wrong and some single mums like myself didnt ask to be 1 you know....and I agree those silly teenage mums should be re-educated about the whole s*x-thing.FOR now I would enjoy and treasure the things you have in your life,allright  and not make youself UNHAPPY with your thoughts and wishes about fantastic cute babies...its also VERY VERY hard work and greatest responsibility in life

  9. Over here is just fine as well...The world is a beautiful place. How could you be so negative about our world? How do you think it's horrible? I am thankful to be here on this Earth and enjoy everyday being here. I think you need to relax, find a man, and take it from there. How on Earth is bringing kids into this world selfish? It is only selfish if you are bringing the child into the world knowing you will be a bad mother and give the child a horrible upbring. Maybe you ought to wait a little while...........

  10. First off the way you feel, sounds like you should be on the

    cover of Best Mom's, magazine. Next you have enough love

    for two people. You have a child, the familiar way or whatever

    you decide. You are a Mother, waiting for your special gift.

    Full fill your dream. You deserve it. I rest my case.

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