
I want to have a baby but no one will have one with me, and how would i tell my parents?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I am 13 years old. I want to have a baby soooo bad, and my friends think that I would make a good mom, and I think so to. I want to have one but im 13 and I dont know ANY guys my age that would have s*x with me. Another problem is that I wouldnt know how to tell my parents. Some please give me some advice??




  1. You're going to get the same answer from everyone:  Don't do it because you really don't what you're getting into.  

    I hope you're kidding.....

  2. slow down there u have the rest of ur life to have a baby u need to get a eduction and a career not a job a career and you should wait to have one with ur husband dont throw ur life away now u should spend a week or two with some one who has a baby and take care of it all by ur self so u can get the full affect of what its like to be a mom and ur 13 you JUST started going thur puberty that's alot of stress on ur body and ur parents dont be stupid you will regret it not to be mean but i don't think a 13 year old girl can be a very good mom bc i know ur going be depend it on ur parents and ur just adding to ur parents plate by having a baby so young you cant take care of a baby by ur self u cant give him/her what they need just think about it b4 u do something really stupid

  3. Then if you really want a child go out and have one honey...I mean why are you asking us on yahoo answers, and I know I will get thumbs down for this but I really don't care because it's not like your going to take advice from strangers who have lived longer then you and know how hard it is to have a child.

  4. omg what are kids getting into theses day, i dont even want to give you a lecture,..YOUR TOO YOUNG, START A CAREER AND MAKE SOME THING GOOD ABOUT YOUR SELF..Jessh

  5. Um, don't have a baby at 13.

    That's all the advice that can be given.

  6. This is just silly. You are 13. You KNOW that you are not ready to be a mom. This shouldn't even be an option for you! What is the world coming to!

  7. I don't doubt that you would make a good mum...


    Do you even have a job?

    Do you even have a partner that you are in a steady relationship with?

    Are you wanting to finish school?

    Unless you have a really great paying job where you can afford a baby...Unless you are in a relationship with someone willing to help you with the baby because Good Luck looking after it alone while being in school It is probably the worst idea ever.

    Enjoy being 13.

    Don't throw away everything you have the chance to do now.

    Chances are you'll have MANY partners before you settle down with one of them and that's unfair of you to have a child with someone who doesn't want one then expect men in your future relationships to take on a baby because of your choices.

    I mean come on.... your 13.

  8. Please listen to what these people are saying. There's a reason no one will have s*x with you. Take it as a sign. Not because you're not nice or pretty enough, but maybe because someone or thing is trying to tell you that you aren't ready for a baby at all. I doubt you will be until you're an adult. Please don't be dumb. You're barley a teenager your self. Think about the baby too. Would you want to put a child into your situation? Maybe you could talk to your parents about adopting a baby that you can help take care of or they could have another child. Having a child is the biggest responsibility in the world. Please, please, please. Make the right decision. You'll be so much happier when you have a child when you're older, with hopefully a man who loves you until the ends of the earth & will be able to support you & your child. Be smart girly =]  

  9. That is not a good idea at this age.  First off your body is not mature or grown enough to be able to support and nourish the baby like it needs.  second, do you really want to be the only girl in junior high that has a big ol' pregnant belly?  I know the feeling of wanting one while you are still young, but believe me, it is NOT a good idea at all.  You need to wait for about 5 years, get in a strong relationship with some one you love and that loves you back.  Having a baby is a huge step, and the chances of miscarriage or very bad problems with that baby are a lot higher then if you wait.  It would be very stupid right now to have a baby and give up you education and life right now.  Try to get some babysitting jobs if you want to be around a baby so bad.  Do not just sleep with some random guy and use him for a sperm bank.  You WILL regret it further down the road if you do.

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