
I want to have another baby but it isnt happening too fast?

by  |  earlier

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i tried for my daughter 4 years, then i gave up, thought id never get a baby of my own,,,, then there she was the light of my life and still is, then i fell pregnant quite by accident 3 1/2 years later and went onto have a second baby a baby boy 12 months ago... As soon as we had him we knew we were going to go on and try for our third and last as we wanted the age gap to be close so they got on, There is a 3 n half year age gap between my son and my daughter and jealousy is rife between them so for our third we wanted a much closer difference. Anyway 12 months in and still nothing- To top it all the last 6 months my periods have become erratic and sometimes come 2 monthly or then only come for a day or they are too close together... i want to go to the doctors to see if they will put me on the tablets that increase fertility but do you think they would allow it as i already have 2 children and my youngest is only 12 months old? It was so hard bringing another baby into my daughters life as it had only been us for so long, she has accepted her little brother and now wants a sister BUT i dont want to go through all that again so i worry the longer it takes to get pregnant the harder it will be to introduce another baby into the house- this is my choice of reasoning so please dont critisise my ways but advise me on what action to take and is it too soon to approach the gp for help in fertility.... i do know i dont want to wait another 4 years,




  1. I am going through kind of the same thing right now.  I have a 3 yr old. I am like you I don't want them to be very far apart in age. I conceived her when we were just talking about having a child.  I have been trying to have another baby for the past 5 months now with no luck.  I know sometimes I get so sad that I just cry.  I have prayed and cried and prayed some more. I know that it can take up to a year to get pregnant it just seems like it is taking forever.  I have already made an appt with my gyno so I can see what's going on with me.  I am happy and I know that I am truly blessed to have a child already but it still hurts.

  2. sorry but i have tears in my eyes reading your question.

    you are blessed with 2 beautiful children !!!!!!!

    you know how LUCKY you are ??

    me and hubby have been trying for our first baby for 17  months and no luck... i am so depressed by it... we have been together for 6 years and always thought we will wait a few years before having a baby and now it just isnt happening.....  

  3. It took me just over a year with my 1st, 4 months for my 2nd but 1 year with the 3rd. Now trying for no4.

    Your probably focusing too much on having this next child and are too tensed up. So relax and spend time with the other children. Go to your G.P to rule out any problems. Good luck.

  4. i totally understamd where you are coming from as i am going through the same thing trying for our second. It doesnt matter that you already have 2 children you want that third just as much as you wanted your first and people shouldnt judge you for that. Your periods sound like you may possibly e suffering from pcos. an ovary condition. do you also have acne or problems with weight and trouble losing it? I think after 12 months your doctor will take you seriously enough to refer you for hormone tests/internal scan to check things out. I am going for tests at xmas if i havent fallen by then and it is my second child as i said but i want this one so much as much as i wanted my gorgeous son. who is now 2.5 yrs. all teh luck in the world to you xxxxx

  5. hi there

    you know what I would just wait for nature to take its course and for you to take time out and relax yourself and stop worrying about it (it wont happen if you worry).

    I still go to see the doc about the periods though i gone through the same and i getting over havin a eptopic pregnancy .

    as i just said just try and relax yourself and you will see that it shoudnt take no time at all.HAVE FUN!

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