
I want to have free drivers ed back in public shools for free?? how can i make that happen! plz help?

by Guest57200  |  earlier

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ok my mom told me that when she was in high school there was free drivers ed as a class, it helped alot and they talked to student about drunk driving, and showed them videos of accidents and that made teenagers more consious in the road,, but now they dont provide a class like that anymore, u usually have to pay for them, and i have notice that theres more teens dying in car accidents, and drunk driving... if we bring back the free class things could change,,, who agrees with me??




  1. do you not have a driving test like the uk ?if you don't there must be an opening for some one to get government backing

    and start up driving schools like here in England,we have provisional driving then full driving test it is a massive business in the U.K

  2. 1. Write to the school board

    2. Have students sign a petition to convince the school board

    I totally agree. You go girl!

  3. You've gotta talk to your principle- ask for a meeting and show up with a plan. I had to pay for my driver's training and I'd love for it to be brought back into schools for free so kids can see that driving has a lot of responsibility to it.

    I wonder if you can get with your student council and have a "Driving Safety Day" fair or workshop... you could have the local police department, fire dept, car dealerships, people who work emergency rooms, and even survivors of bad accidents come and talk at your school  and/or set up info booths that are about how important driving safety is. Wow. I'm blown away by this idea... I just came up with it on a whim and I think it would be an all around good experience for you guys.

  4. If you bring back free drivers ed you will have more accidents and deaths because todays kids that do have their parents pay for it for the most part still dont know how to drive........

    Among licensed drivers, young people between the ages of 15 and 20 have the highest rate of fatal crashes relative to other age groups, including the elderly. In fact, the risk of being involved in a fatal crash for teens is three times greater than for drivers age 65 to 69.

    Immaturity and lack of driving experience are the two main factors leading to the high crash rate among teens.

  5. A good idea but you need to realize that they were not free, someone had to pay with taxes for them.

  6. The government doing the right thing? That's going to be a mission impossible....I have always had the very same idea, that schools should teach stuff that people are going to need in real life.

    But trust me you will not see those classes in the near future (maybe your daughter but not you) they are going to tell you that "the budget is already assigned to other stuff", "that they need to vote about it" "that their is no money now". Probably they already did the math and they found it's cheaper to buy more body bags for teen than giving those classes. Sad but that's the real world.

    But give it a try; you will save a lot of lives if you make them listen.

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