
I want to have twins but i can't seem to get pregnant. how can i go about it?

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I want to have twins but i can't seem to get pregnant. how can i go about it?




  1. you could try fertility drugs, personly i think you mad to want twins double the trouble i wanted twins when i fell prgnant but now im very glad i have got the one he is enought trouble to take me throught the next 18years. maby you should have a re think and just try for the one . hope i could help.

  2. Fertility drugs have a high rate of multiple births. If you have been trying for 12 months or more, ask your gp.

  3. My husband and I tried for a year to get pregnant. When it didn't happen we went to an endocrinologist to figure out what was taking so long. It turns out that I have antibodies that immobilize his sperm preventing them from swimming upon entry. I would recommend you go see a specialist and also have his sperm count checked. It's very likely that it could be him too. Most likely they will check your FSH level (your level should be fine if you are younger than 35) and also check your fallopian tubes (these could be blocked). Sometimes you might have benign polyps or scar tissue in your uterus that prevents implantation to occur. They can see this by doing a saline infusion sonogram to see inside the uterine cavity. This is a painless procedure. It really could be a number of things or none of the above, but if you want to get pregnant then at this point you should seek a specialist. Also- you most likly will not have sextuplets if you try IVF. Twins are far far more likely. Sextuplets are more likley to happen w/ IUI+ clomid or injections not IVF.

  4. In-vitro maybe? There is not sure way to have twins and even with infertility drug or procedures it is still not a could end up with sextuplets.

  5. To maximize your chances of getting pregnant, you should get to know your body and your cycles. Try charting your Basal Body Temp. You then use the info to pinpoint ovulation. You can't tell that you have ovulated until AFTER the fact, but you can watch for patterns over a period of time and use that to predict ovulation in the future. You can also try an ovulation prediction kit.

    As far as having twins - you can't do anything to make yourself have twins. It happens either due to ovulating 2 eggs (which you can't control outside of being on fertility meds), or due to one egg splitting into 2 (which is completely and totally random).

    If you can't seem to get pregnant, I am surprised you are even worried about wanting twins - usually women who are truly having trouble getting pregnant (ie - 12+ months of trying with no success) feel thrilled and blessed at the thought of just one!

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