
I want to have two molars removed?

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I have an underbite and i was told by orthodontist that its gonna be pretty tough and time consuming if i were to straighten my teeth by braces or surgery. So i decided to let it be cos its not affecting my speech or chewing. But the problem is, two of my upper molars would be useless, cos they are like my 'wisdom teeth' ( all my wisdom teeth are gone long ago). The dentist said they might grow longer and i would have problem in the future so i wanted to get them removed. She said its a bit shame since i was still young (23). However, i dont want to have any serious problem in the future cos i always find it hard to reach to my upper molars when brushing and they decay easily. Do you think its a good idea to remove them? Is it going to affect alighnment of my other teeth? My other teeth are ok and they grind each other when i am chewing, only the two molars are useless.




  1. Ok so those 2 molars are useless and "should be" removed for braces procedure? .

    The only problem, (which is a bit serious) I see by doing that is something called impact molars. If your molars are impacted in your gum and you remove em, almost all of your teeth might fall out because of a disrupture in your gum holding alignment.  

    I don't know, I say talk to your ortho more indepth about this, and then talk to your dentist. If the decision is right, then do it.

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