
I want to hear about promises for something that is then betrayed?

by  |  earlier

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Someone convinced that there was a job waiting for me and I went to the place and no job was forthcoming.




  1. Forgiveness was the point to practice here.  I believe that earth life is all a practice point.  As in, what do I need to practice here now - patience, understanding, compassion, acceptance, letting go, tolerance, forgiveness, etc.

    If I focus on what I thought another's motivation was, then I get caught up in the trap of someone's mental processes, which is exactly where I do NOT belong.

    So to know that, whenever a door is closed in my face, or I get a 'red light' on something I'm doing, all I need do is look for the next open door or window or 'green light', keeps my spirits up and doesn't allow me to dwell long on why people do what they do in this lifetime.  It makes my life much more peace-filled and I can see solutions I might miss if I was focused on the 'why' it didn't go as planned.

    Blessings and peace to you, knowing that the right and perfect job for you will manifest so quickly that it will amaze you.

    Don't give in and don't give up.

    Thanks for your Q   :)

    EDIT:  PS - by the way, OUCH is ouch, but I cannot live in OUCH or I will be just a hopeless victim of others' whims.  Most people mean well, but often cannot follow through on their well-meaning, and that causes let down and pain and can lead to suffering.  Many people carry inner wounds that they cannot heal, and sometimes don't even know about, and so they go around affecting other people.  Hurting people hurt people.  So I love them, but steer clear.  Forgiveness is a hard practice. But well worth the effort to make it a habit.  I hope you have people that won't encourage self-pity, but who understand the pain of betrayal while at the same time know how to recover quickly from the fast-balls that life keeps pitching at us.   :)

  2. My mom promised me that she will stop yelling and beating me and that we will live together she never did. Haven't seen her in 3 years but during that time she only called me once! You know how stupid I was I actually believed that I was going to have a mom that loved me. That hurt when she never called to see if I was still alive does she really not care for me at all? That was mest up getting my hopes and ditching me. :(

  3. Try Tony Blair telling us that he would improve education and the NHS

  4. I have been there many times but the one i can remember most clearly was many years ago.  I had been working with many others at butlins and the season was over. I had been going with a guy who said he had jobs for several of us lined up.  we all followed him and then he just disappeared with our money leaving us stranded.  I was blamed as well as i had been going out with him it was horrid..luckily my family helped and payed my train fare home...

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