
I want to hear about your Rock bottom.Have you had one?

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I want to hear about your Rock bottom.Have you had one?




  1. Most bottoms are forgotten over time anyway. I did, however, have a frightening experience with pain killer and booze - when I went into a panic psychosis for several days while it left my system. I said that I would never do that again, but I did.

  2. I did once have a rock bottom, but then I got lazy and stopped training and it hasn't been the same since.

  3. No, my bottom is more like sponge...

  4. violated probation for DWI, being sent to jail for two months, luckily I was given work release so I didn't lose my truck and still have the ability to pay my half of rent.

    It could have been worse but I decided this would make for a good rock bottom.

  5. it was dark,cold, covered with broken glass Then i had to find a way to climb back up

  6. when i tried to kill myself because everyone hated me at school and wanted to beat me up, all my friends betrayed me in a second everyone thought i was g*y, cause i rejected a L*****n girl and she stung me for it..... i was harassed for years and ridiculed.....but if i never hit that bottom i would have never became the amazing most confident person i am today :] thanks to everyone who tried to bring me down you made me that much stronger

  7. to be honest i think noone wants to elive there rock bottom but if u insist i was molested at a young age i was so hurt feeling so violated and liek dirt the pedgree was someone i knew very well i was so disgusted i wanted to kill that person everytime i think about this person is still on the streets i get the jitters

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