
I want to hear of pregnancy story how they felt at 13 week?

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how did you feel how did your belly feel the reason I'm asking is because I'm 13 weeks i don't feel pregnant




  1. Oh man I felt great, didn't feel pg at all.  Not until about 6 months

  2. I felt sick to my stomach all the time from week 6 to about week 16. I threw up every day, and I was exhausted most of the time.

    Every pregnancy is different.

    I met a girl who didn't start getting those symptoms until about 22 weeks. I also know a girl that didn't have any symptoms at all...

    It's hard to really "feel pregnant" until you get bigger, and you can start feeling the baby kick. Even though I was getting sick all the time, I just felt like I was sick not really pregnant.

    It's okay...try not to worry too much:)

  3. My 3 pregnancies have been totally different at that point. With my first i was sick and felt ill all the time plus couldn't eat anything. 2nd one i just felt sick in morning but apart from that didn't feel pregnant. This time i only felt sick sometimes and felt tired all the time. Everyone feels different at this point. Your lucky that you haven't got all the early pregnancy symptoms. But enjoy it while it lasts because you will soon be feeling very pregnant lol.  

  4. I'm at about 14 weeks now... I feel really good! a little tired, but other then that, great! I had horrible morning (all day) sickness for about one month straight, between my first and second month, but now that I am in my third month, I haven't been sick at all and have a normal appetite. I can now feel a baby bump, kind of a hardening in my lower stomach but I notice that some days I can feel the bump more then others, but I haven't felt any movement or anything yet.

    Don't worry if you don't "feel" pregnant... some days I do and some days I don't. Have you seen a doctor yet? The best thing to do if you're worried at all is to go and get checked out so they can assure you everything is going as it should. At my last appointment I was able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler machine, that is truly awesome to experience and it seals the idea that yes, there really is a baby in there!

    Best of luck to you!

  5. at 13 i was just getting over being tired and nauseated all the time. feel lucky that you aren't barfing all the time!

  6. I was miserable at 13 weeks i had Hyperemisis really bad and was in out of the hospital because i couldn't even keep water and crackers down. I also didn't really feel pregnant just miserable. I didnt want anyone around me not even my husband and my doctor took me out of work so i was by myself very sick everyday. im now 36 weeks and i feel much better and VERY pregnant. Good Luck

  7. At 13 weeks I was feeling preggy crummy. I was constantly tired and my morning sickness had just started. My back was always killing me along with my feet. Things are a lot better now.

  8. i was so exicted and tired. plus i had enough of the morning sickness!!

    but couldnt wait  

  9. I am 13 weeks 4 days today and I feel like c**p! haha its really just in the mornings I have a really hard time gaining enough energy to make it through the day. My morning sickness has slowed down a lot but like this morning I felt crazy nauseous all morning! I also have ZERO appetite....all the foods I used to love don't taste good anymore. I seriously get full off a couple bites of food. I have to force myself to eat more because i know the baby needs it but it is hard!! I hope this ends soon!!!

    Don't worry tho...with my first pregnancy with my son I didn't have any symptoms until much later. the only thing i remember having with him was heartburn and it didnt appear until after week 20!

  10. i finally had my first dr. appt at 13 weeks! i first heard that heart beat and almost started crying. it really hit me that week. i was also VERY sick!!! but that is when the excitement kinda started, i was only 18 and i found out i was about 2 months pregger 2 months after we broke up. dont worry. you will feel butterflies soon and it will really start to feel real!! congrats and good luck!

  11. At 13 weeks pregnant, I didnt feel pregnant at all except for the bloating I had going on.  I became very bloated early on... around 10 weeks and at 13-14 weeks I even had a lady ask me when I was due, because my belly popped out so much from being bloated.  Other than that, I had the odd headache but I felt great.

    Unfortunately, 13 weeks is usually too early to feel movement and you've just entered the 2nd trimester so symptoms tend to get BETTER... which makes you feel less pregnant.

    Dont worry, give yourself a few more weeks and you'll start feeling more and more pregnant everyday!


  12. lol Oh girl  i know how you feel... at a little over three mounths you know your preg but the weight has not come on and you can't feel anything... this is the boring part! at about five mounths you will start feeling bubbles and little jerks! thtas when it hits you and you feel pregnate! It sucks waiting to feel pregnate... but enjoy now because you ahve a long way to go and it only gets crazier! Congrats being a mom is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I would say from 12 to 18 weeks was a boring time in pregnancy for me. I didn't feel pregnant, I didn't look pregnant and I couldn't feel the baby move. It was just like I was in limbo. However, after 18 weeks things started to pick up - I started to feel the baby move, I found out the baby was a boy and I felt like I could start planning for his birth and bonding with him more.

  14. if this is your first at 13 weeks you probably wont feel very pregnant just this week i really started showing 17 weeks. ive felt great just really tired but at 13 weeks trust me your not the only one that feels normal.  your fine just wait you'll start showing before you know it.  

  15. at 13 week i had mornin sickness, full of spots and felt like ****. my tummy wud feel hard sometimes and normal at other times.  

  16. i really didnt feel pregnant either. nothing too much was going on at that point. im 28 weeks and i still dont feel pregnant. i feel my son move and everything, it just still hasnt hit me yet that im going to be a mommy!

  17. With my first 2 pregnancies i was still feeling sick & tired at 13weeks but thois time that passed at 10 weeks. I'm now 17weeks & still not showing, I totally get what you mean about not "feeling" pregnant. I have no symptoms & my belly has just felt a bit "fatter" rather than a bump! Still, it will come! Enjoy the fact you dont feel sick etc.

    Congrats x*x

  18. I felt great, i was finally over the morning sickness and I had so much more energy, it was such a relief. I didn't feel pregnant either, not until like 5-6 months. I didn't have a belly at all, I didn't even show until I was almost 6 months

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