
I want to hear the most CREATIVE and HILARIOUS senior pranks!

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I want to hear the most CREATIVE and HILARIOUS senior pranks!




  1. Probably then, your best bet would be to go to a Rest Home at Lunchtime.

    I'm sure the breaking nurses would offer a smattering of stories

    for you to treasure always.

    *Added: ISN'T IT SPLENDID:  That I can Spontaneously fire-off such a one-two punch kind of zinger like that in, Yes, The Joke/Riddle Category, and hey, look:  a thumbsdown!  And who said that people have tunnel-vision?

  2. Well at my high school, we (all the seniors) got to school really really early, and once everyone got there, we locked the gates to the parking lot so no one else could get in. Then, we had a big breakfast cook out in the parking lot as we laughed at the underclassmen who couldn't get in to park.

    The year before that, the seniors let the Ag. animals in the school (goats, cows, geese, chickens, and such) that took the administration a few hours to clean up and everything. It was a pretty funny sight to see a cow start chewing on a kids backpack.

  3. Sand Hole Surprise

    I used this prank on my brother when we were on holiday in Spain.

    When you are at the beach, pick a victim/friend that is lying down on a towel on sand. When they get up, for example go to the restroom or for a drink, remove the towel and dig a hole where the towel sits. Put the towel back in exactly the same place so they don't suspect anything. When the victim lays back down on the towel, their *** will fall into the hole! The deeper the hole the better!

    Seriously Funny Prank

    This is a h**l of a Prank!!! Last April Fool's Day I used this prank on our friend. I made up flyers on my computer that read:

    GWM living with mommy looking for daddy. Prefer big black men, long walks on the beach, and being spanked. Call me anytime (cell phone # of friend).

    I actually didn't place them anywhere but I told my friend I did. About an hour later, he got a phone call from a guy named Leroy (a g*y friend of ours). "Leroy" left a message saying that he saw his flyer in the men's room at the 7-11 and that he wanted to meet him.

    That was enough to send our friend over the edge. He was pissed. The best part was when he learned it was our friend that called him....whenever he saw "Leroy" at our house he would flirt with him, rub his leg, talk sweet and dirty to him. This went on for about a month. "Leroy was actually g*y". My victim of the joke was an idiot and didn't believe me for the longest time.

    Insane Clown

    If you are at a sleepover, grab some make-up and apply it like crazy. Make your face pale white, completely black, or other dark color. Add eye shadow to go on your eye-lid all the way to brow. Use bright red, black, or dark blue, lipstick and apply all over lips and beyond. Finally take RED blush and apply it in a perfect circle). You'll look like an insane clown!

    Shake a person WHILE SLEEPING with the light on and they'll freak looking at your face! It is so funny! You'll scare the c**p out of your friend!

    Beer Balancing Prank

    This is GREAT and works best in a crowded bar. Bet one of your friends that they can't balance a glass of beer on the back of each hand (on a table of course). When the beers are balanced...simply walk out!!! Well worth the cost...truth is no guy would waste two good beers.

    Prank Party!

    One day get together with a couple of your friends for a sleep-over. Choose one friend before the party and tell everyone you're going to pull a prank on them. Tell your friends to bring ANY prank stuff that they have. When your friend falls asleep, pull a series of pranks such as:

    # Sleep-makeovers,

    # face f**t spray,

    # gum in hair,

    # and fingers in cold water.

    When you run out of pranks, get a CD and put it in your CD player. Turn the volume all the way up. Tell one person to turn on the light when the music goes off. Tell 2 people to dance on the bed, tell some people to blow whistles and scream. Turn on the music and watch your friend go nuts.

    Garbage Can Cleaning

    Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a random house's door. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really funny prank. But don't get caught.

    Scare Tactic Prank

    Ok, you got to have a skylight in your house. This is one of the great funny pranks to pull on your siblings and close friends. Sometime when they're watching T.V. or busy, put on dark clothes and a ski mask and climb onto their roof. When they walk into the room with skylight make a loud noise and stare at them before quickly dodging out of the way and climbing off the roof. We got my brother to pee his pants and run outside yelling because of it. It's a great prank to do on your friends!

    Fire Extinguisher Shenanigans

    We all know fire extinguishers are fun, right! There potential for practical jokes is limitless. Here is a very basic joke. Sneak up on your friend. Stick the hose down his pants and spray as long as humanly possible. Fill his trousers with icy cold goodness.

    Sour Face Prank

    I was over at my friend's house and it was her 15 birthday and she was having like 9 girls sleepover. We had a lot of fun and her older brother is working in the Science Department and he decided since my friend Kayla (the birthday girl) LOVED sour stuff, he'd make the "Essence of Sour" and it was the sourest thing I have EVER tasted.

    Well, me and my friend Brittney both got up to get in the middle of the night to get a cup of water. Brittany got this great idea we should prank all the girls that were sleeping. So, me being the girl to take on any dare, I saw the cup of EOS (Essence of Sour) and decided we should pour it all over the other girls' toothbrushes!

    Wow, were they surprised when they got up to brush their scaggle-teeth! This prank works great at home or at a friend's house and you don't have to use EOS. You can wet anyone's toothbrush and let it soak on a black cherry warhead for like 2 minutes. Those things are pretty d**n sour.

    Great Gift Funny Prank

    Over Christmas my best friend treated herself to Banana Republic. I asked her for the bag, noticing a great prank possibility. I remembered I forgot to buy a present for another friend who is totally obsessed with fashion. I picked out a super-ugly sweater with bears on it for him, wrapped it in tissue paper and stuck it in the Banana Republic bag. Imagine his joy and then disappointment when I give it to him!

    Easy and Highly Effective Funny Prank

    Put hair removal cream in someone's conditioner.

    Magical T.V. Remote Prank

    For Christmas my mom got a new T.V. We had already had a T.V. that was the same brand, and I held on to the remote for this prank...

    My little sisters were watching a video and I was in the other room with the old remote. I would alternately mute it, turn up the volume, change the channel, and turn off the power for about an hour. It was really funny watching the littlest one's amazement at the T.V. "magically" turning itself off and then getting blamed for it.

    This prank might even work on a neighbor who has the same kind of T.V. or even at school or work!

    Habanero Pepper Surprise

       1. Obtain a small hypodermic needle and syringe

       2. Fill it with Habanero pepper extract or hot sauce.

       3. Inject extract or sauce into your roommate's fruit, vegetables, cakes, ice cream, and anything else you can find that's edible.

    This will make them "happy". Additionally they will be scared to eat anything in the house for weeks, including snagging your food for a quick bite.

    Scare The h**l Out of Mom Prank

    I am 11 and on April Fools day, I told my mom I was going to use her shower because mine was busted. I brought a bottled of ketchup with me and I sprayed the stuff everywhere, then I screamed bloody murder. My mom came in and saw the "blood" everywhere and started gagging. It was so cool, even if I was grounded.  

  4. OK  !

    good luck with that =)

  5. When I was a freshman the seniors decided to buy a bunch of those cheap goldfish and they filled the swimming pool with them. It was quite a surprise for the swimming instructor that morning!

  6. when i was a freshman the senior class had planned to put crickets in all the hallways but the principals found out and busted it up. so instead they took playboy and playgirl magazine pictures and took the principals faces from year book pictures and glued them on to the magazine spreads! they were all over school, students found it hilarious, principals did not!  

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