
I want to help children in countries that are poor, but I need ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about making macrame bracelets and selling them, but I don't know what to call them (I was thinking Wishes in a Bracelet or something like that.. because people can wear them as wish bracelets and I could donate the money to a foundation that helps make the people in a poor country's wish come true) and I don't know where to donate the money. What should I call my bracelets, and where would the money go to? I just need ideas.




  1. First off, for once, I have to disagree with someone I usually agree with:

    "I wouldn't recommend any 3rd world charities other than the UN and "

    There are many, many charities working in developing countries or that are based in such that are worthwhile and do great work. To name but a few:

    CARE International


    Save the Children UK


    Women of Uganda Network (

    And on and on. Yes, many charities DO pay salaries to trained professionals in order to provide their services, but nothing like the figures I've been reading on YahooAnswers.

    If I had to pick one group out of all of those, I would pick CARE or, because they are focused on women and girls, the people who are most adversely affected by poverty, conflict, natural disasters and climate change.

    You need to account for your money very carefully -- how will you assure people who buy your bracelets that the money they give you is really going to go to whatever charity you say it will, besides only saying, "I promise it will"?

  2. Try a group headquartered in Steamboat Springs colorado and active in Uganda.  My daughter and wife spend several weeks in Uganda last summer working with this organization and confirms that it is legitimate and not a rip off.  As to what to do-see what they offer that you can do.  Main thing- do something.  You won't ever regret, IMO.

  3. this helps the poor children get food with very word you solve its free so please try this in your spare time i do it

    contact the redcross i believe they help

  4. Volunteer at a mission for a church

  5. Check out Operation USA. They are a non profit organizantion that helps people around the world. Your  donations will be in the right hands :)

  6. I know this isn't really what you had in mind exactly because there isn't any money involved but it is something that's very important.

    There's a website called, the goal of this website is to feed people around the world. Basically you play a vocab game on the website, it asks you the meaning of a word and you pick the correct answer from three choices. For each correct answer, the website will donate rice to feed under privledged people.

    You could help children and others alike by spreading awareness of the website so that not only can people increase their vocabularies and knowledge, but they can help others too.

    It really is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

  7. Wish Wrap or Wish Wear would be cute....

    Just make it simple and catchy

    As for donations, I wouldn't recommend any 3rd world charities other than the UN and

    While there are people who help, most of these charities take a protion of your money for overhead (i.e. to pay their CEO's 400,000 per year). Frankly, I just think there are better orgs that don't have fees. Nothing but nets has no fees.

    I would recommend instead. Kiva is an up and coming mini-loan allows you to do 2 things with your money. First, you get to help whomever you want without any fees for you. Second, the money you give is paid back to you over time with very good rates for the borrower. Then, the money can be reinvested towards another family/person in need. Finally, giving people/orgs a handout is never a final people a hand up can be very rewarding. Not only are you giving and getting in return, but you are also giving these people the chance to start their own businesses, make and distribute their own merchandise, etc. So, you aren't giving them one free meal, you are giving them the chance to make a living, and provide for their own meals for the rest of their lives. Good luck with your business!

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